Larysa Rusnak

During 1944-1946 more than 480,000 Ukrainians had been forced to leave the territory of modern northeastern Poland - Kholmshchyna, Nadsiannia, Pidliashshia, and Lemkivshchyna. The eyewitness tells the story of deportation and recalls terrible conditions in which she and other Ukrainians were taken from Poland to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 2014, the war begins. Immediately, a system of evacuation of the wounded and killed is being built, the outpost of which is the Dnieper - it is here that the first will be delivered, it is here that they are still received. Tatiana Guba has been coordinating the evacuation for 5 years. She is called "Mom Tanya". Thousands of people are grateful to her for her life. Serhiy Kryvorotchenko, director of the Dnipro Airport, has deployed a helicopter evacuation system since the beginning of the war. Eugene Titarenko, the film's director, in 2014-2015 was part of a volunteer medical battalion, communicates with the heroes of the film about the evacuation system. The viewer will see the whole way of saving lives, will be directly in the vortex of events and will understand how many people are involved in the process of saving one person.

How does war resonate in a peaceful life? How does it melt in the mind of a creative person? In the documentary film "Wind from East" the authors are looking for answers to these questions. In the picture, the two worlds are peace and war, but peace is a theater where preparatory rehearsal work takes place, and war is also a theater, but at war. There is another world that stands alone - it is a play played by actors, rethinking their own experience of involvement in the war and the texts of Alexander Dovzhenko and contemporary Ukrainian authors. These worlds combine interviews with people, with those who joined the actors' trips to the east, with the military, who received the actors and became spectators directly on the front line.

A legendary but retired hit man lives in peace and isolation in the barren North American wilderness. When he rescues a woman from a snowmobiling accident, he soon discovers that she's harboring a secret that forces him to return to his lethal ways.


This film is about blind maternal love, overcare, that doesn't let the son grow into a man, but makes his inner child stay helpless and infantile for ages.


FALLING is a story about the post-revolutionary generation of young Ukrainian people looking for their place in a modern Ukraine. It follows two bewildered people who meet at a crucial moment of their existence and experience few days of happiness together.


The story of those who are going through suffering, struggle, loss and despair, trying to find their way out of the depths.


This is a story about a man, who is transforming into beast because of being driven to despair. This is a try to investigate what a person can stand, which tortures and indignity can overcome, how many people he can kill in the sake of saving one.

Snowdrop is a 2015 Ukrainian romantic drama television series starring Ekaterina Tyshkevich, Marina Dyakonenko & Valentin Tomusyak. Adapted from the successful South Korean TV series Ice Adonis, the story revolves around the hatred between two step sisters, Nadya & Irina, who are in love with the same man, Igor. Blinded by jealousy and hatred towards Nadya, Irina frames her in a murder and separates her from Igor. However, Nadya returns to expose Irina and win back her love and respect.


Young MMA fighter Yuliya has lost her boyfriend in the war in eastern Ukraine. She starts a new relationship to make her life move forward.