Lasse Myhr

Frida unexpectedly falls pregnant and Felix, the father of her child, breaks up with her to reunite with his ex using methods which are absurd, exaggerated and often hilarious.

Judith is a doctor who is very committed to her profession. Aiming to become a cardiologist, she performs part of her residency in a chronically understaffed hospital emergency room. During a particularly difficult shift, she makes a mistake that causes the death of a patient. Judith is devastated and doubts whether she is suited to the profession. Her fellow doctors, including her partner Mark, advise her to just carry on as before. While Judith’s actions are investigated, she is assigned to ambulance duty. Being in a new environment and having some distance to the clinical routine allow her to see things in a new light.


Trapped in the wrong body, Eileen wants to finally start living her life as a girl tomorrow. But today her best friend Ella throws a good-bye party for Eileen's old self Leon. The party turns into desaster when no one shows up. The two friends decide to confront the guests who didn't show and dive into an absurd odyssey thru town that changes everything.

A son visits his father at his farm. While slaughtering a lamb, shortly before the son’s departure, the long-term alienation between the two comes to light. An accident occurs which briefly opens the possibility of a new beginning.

After some faked medicine is found, an Interpol agent searches for evidence against high rank chairmen of medical companies.


Carlos Benede is in his thirties, single and helps minors cope with the after-effects of crime. Alexander is a strong-willed and precocious eleven-year-old, who witnesses the horrific death of his mother by his own father. Benede mentors Alexander and the two develop a bond. But when the trial of Alexander’s father is over, it’s time for the two to part. Alexander has been placed in the care of his aunt, but when she is no longer able, a new caregiver must be found. An unconventional counselor from the youth welfare office learns of Alexander’s trust in Benede, who himself grew up in a home, and reunites the two. Although not always easy, the relationship grows and deepens into one of father and son.


Marc Deville is an acclaimed author of erotic literature. In his personal life, however, physical closeness with the opposite sex eludes him. Being a porn addict, his sexuality is narrowly defined by the framed images he can masturbate to. One day he meets Justine, a nurse with a fetish of her own: her love for erotic asphyxiaton has estranged her from her husband Eric, a theatre director...


In the young Federal Republic, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in this way can the young democracy be consolidated. Not only his attitude, but also his temperament make Bauer vulnerable, again and again resistance forms from politics, intelligence services and the judiciary against the lone fighter.


Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.
