Lasse Valdal

Father Johan has a dark secret he must keep hidden from his family.

Jesper is a weekend-dad fed up with life, so he travels out into the woods to commit suicide. Equipped only with the birthday gift to his son, he drives as far as the forest allows before he connects the exhaust pipe to the driver's window and turns the ignition. But not even this can go as wanted, and the night offers a surprising acquaintance.


Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend. He is lonely, and terribly difficult to deal with. To cheer him up, his buddies get a brilliant idea. How about organizing a fakte audtion for a non-existing feature film?


Eight medical students on a ski trip to Norway discover that Hitler's horrors live on when they come face to face with a battalion of zombie Nazi soldiers intent on devouring anyone unfortunate enough to wander into the remote mountains where they were once sent to die.


Its the summer of 1974. Four friends have planned a recreational weekend hiking and camping in the forest. At a remote truck stop they pick up an anxious hitchhiker who only after a short ride demands they stop the vehicle. She is clearly frightened of somethingbut what she cant begin to describe in her carsick terror. Suddenly the group are ambushed and left unconscious.


Rough guy Kalle comes back to his home town after a trip to the United States. He is loaded with cash with only one thing on his mind: getting Trine, the prettiest girl in town - but her new fiancé is in his way.
