Lau Siu-Kwan

Hong Kong ghost / horror anthology movie. One of the stories is recycled from the previous year's Internet Ghost Stories.

Hong Kong horror movie.

Mr. Au is a new homeroom teacher of Form 5E, a class that has the lowest class average and is well known for its trouble-making trait in school. Recognizing such notorious reputation, he uses his extraordinary method to teach and care for the students. Although he is pinpointed by other teachers, he eventually wins the support of Miss Lam, who is the daughter of the principal, and the students of Form 5E.


The film opens with Jade Leung kills a few people - but when she accidentally threaten a young boy in the process in a square where she tries to save him, thereby allowing sufficient time for the police to arrest her and send her to imprisonment. There is a focus not only on her, she shares it with three other prisoners as she slowly befriends, and each of them given her own story and flashback on how she got there.


Three men, fed up with prostitutes and their perceived role in breaking up happy marriages, decide to go out and hunt down as many prostitutes as they can find. When the police are unable to solve the case, the prostitutes themselves must band together to save themselves.


There is a rumor that floats around the web. If someone surfs the website, during the Chinese Ghost Festival, they can communicate with the people of the underworld. Seven students succeed in communicating, and reap the consequences. One by one, they each mysterious die. While Han is surfing the website, he hears a knock on the door. It is Tal, a hall-monitor for his school. One night, Tal tells Han that there is another mystery to the site. He reveals that the site can tell you what will happen the next day...


The story of reincarnated lovers

The misadventures of a family of sex maniacs.


Yung has supernatural powers, which allow him to kill and rape young women, then turn them into vampires. His lover is Ngai, who has just killed her old husband. Husband's will is read by Lawyer Barsuk, and it states that his adult children, Lau Kwan and Lau Yee Tai, will get his money unless they die, in which case it goes to his lovely young wife, Ngai. Ngai kills Lau, but Lau's ghost confers with his father, and they plan revenge, with the unwilling help of Lawyer Barsuk. Filmed in Pattaya, Thailand.

After her model sister disappears before she can fulfill a contract, a woman teams with two police officers to investigate matters.

Cat III ghost tale.

In April 1985, two expatriate students Kenneth McBride, age 17, and 18 year-old Nicola Myers were beaten, raped, and murdered by a teenage gang. Based on the true story of Hong Kong's Braemar Hill murders.


A spirit is sent to earth through reincarnation and born into a family of kind-hearted beggars. It is here that he begins an unbelievable journey to become the Legend of Wong Tai Sin.


This action film tells the unique story of a biracial boy growing up in Taiwan. The boy, Chen Buo, was born to a Chinese mother and a Caucasian father, an American soldier. As a result, he is harassed by his fellow students and turns to a life of crime when he grows up.


Taiwan horror with romantic elements.


The ghost of a murdered (beheaded) woman recruits other creatures of the night to join her crusade against the ancestors of the man who killed her. Mindless, low-budget thrill show with vampires, zombies and ghosts attacking lots of victims. Eventually, the exorcist priests (Kara Hui, Ku Feng) find ways of exterminating the various supernatural entities


A small rural village has to deal with a pesky spirit who lives in the local lake and has a habit of luring people to their deaths.

A triad boss runs a family business, who deals in arms. He has a good relationship with his sister Amy, until she finds out that he killed their father.


Here's a fast paced action/comedy about a young couple who inadvertently are target of a blood cult from india when a dying hindu priest entrusts them with a sacred statue.

Archaeologists looking for artifacts in Thailand meet black magic and zombies sent by an evil Shaman


In The Master Strikes Back, Hong Kong's Steadicam pioneering director Sun Chung brings back legendary Ti Lung to play famous weapons instructor Tung Tieh-cheng, who is invited to teach a Ching official's soldiers, in this unofficial sequel to The Kung-fu Instructor. But after his son is kidnapped and castrated what follows is a chaotic, human whirlwind of slicing and dicing compliments of the highly touted martial arts director and one of Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates, Yuan Te.


This internationally popular tale of a brother and sister seeking vengeance for the death of their parents through the mythical yin/yang Holy Flame technique is an eye-filling epic. Kuo Chue (a.k.a. Philip Kwok), famous as the star of Chang Cheh's internationally famous "Venom" film series, both co-stars and choreographs this impressive tale - leading to a vaunted "action director" career with both the 007 thriller Tomorrow Never Dies and the cult classic Brotherhood of the Wolf to his credit.


Yun Fei Yang is the viciously bullied orphan who takes on the unpleasant tasks at a formidable kung-fu school. Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master. Any internal wrangling between the various members is put to one side when a swordsman from a rival clan reminds the master of the duel he must take part in once a decade. Unfortunately the defending clan chief is well aware that his rival is more powerful than himself. The expected defeat is further complicated when a wandering swordsman arrives on the scene and joins himself to the injured party, immediately adding to Yen's woes.


Chu Liu-hsiang, the charming, capable, and, yes, sentimental, swordsman is back in action for this extremely well-named third in the hit box-office series. The titanic team of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung wisely choose to give their hero a whole new, non-stop, cliffhanger-fraught adventure featuring a mystery swordsman, a sensual swordswoman, an imperial assassin, a Ghost Mansion, the Bat Island, a booby-trapped tunnel, double crosses, and secret missions. And there are no fewer than three martial arts choreographers on hand to guide the amazing mayhem.


This is it: one of the most talked about cult films ever made -- a maniacal masterpiece of the macabre, the martial arts, and the just plain weird. Shaw's first international star Lo Lieh stars as the insane swordsman who makes Chinese lamps from, yes, the skin of his enemies' sisters, mistresses, and wives. Although insanely conceived, it is beautifully filmed and unashamedly performed by a first rate cast of sexy starlets and kung-fu favorites.


The main characters - the arrogant, harassed director, the sexy starlet, or naïve actors are familiar enough stereotypes. Along the way however, there is some fun to be had as more humorous incidents occur on the sound stage, together with dashes of nudity. Some of the events are presumably inspired by real life experiences, others have a distinct air of wishful fabrication. The over-the-top Kung Fu star, deserted by director and crew as he goes through his pointless extended routine, for instance. Or the action heroes, sweating in furs while they dutifully munch through their meal scene, 'snow' falling outside in studio land.


The story of two friends finishing school and beginning adult life.


Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but hell, literally, really has no wrath like a lusting ghost scorned! Muscular "Venom" Lo Mang discovers just that when the demon arranges to have his true love killed in order to possess her. Chaos, revenge, insanity, violence, tragedy, and even romance ensue. Director Kuei Chih-hung, already famous for Bamboo House of Dolls, Killer Snakes, Ghost Eyes, Corpse, Hex, and many other cult classics, shoots the works with this amazing horror love story.


13 family members are murdered and then dumped in a well. 30 years later their descendants are cursed...


A necrophiliac killer is murdering the prostitutes at Madame Lan's brothel.


This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien (the Korean kicking 'Venom' from Chang Cheh's internationally popular series) team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.


Focuses on two brothers from a rich family, and a poor classmate who pretends he is from the same social class.


Angry Girls get revenge on some bad guys.