Laura Bonaparte

An extraordinary film about memory, and specifically the fading memory of an 86-year-old political activist who has fought tirelessly against historical amnesia and for justice in Argentina. The director’s grandmother, Laura Bonaparte, was one of the founders of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, formed during the 1970s by women whose children and family members had been disappeared by the Videla military dictatorship. Laura herself lost three children and their partners, including the director’s parents. Today, after a lifetime battling that the disappeared never be forgotten, Laura faces her own struggle to remember.


Mario Marani is a well-respected lawyer in late 70s Milano. He and his wonderful wife Francesca have an intense high social life. But Mario has a problem. He is obsessed by bad thoughts (cattivi pensieri); he is always concerned about his wife, thinking continuously to be betrayed by her. It is a nightmare, every time Mario sees Francesca talking to one of their friends immediately starts to see her and him in an hot affair. Jealousy and suspects increase and increase, till their life cross with a young man hidden inside their flat.


A beautiful but poor young girl finds all the money and material goods she never had when she becomes the girlfriend of a crime boss, but soon learns that there is a price to be paid for that kind of life.
