Laurent Capelluto

The ISS, the International Space Station has gone silent. The crew is in distress. Simultaneously, a decapitated and waxed body is found on a roof in Kazakhstan. Positive identification leaves no room for doubt: the body belongs to an American astronaut currently on a mission on the ISS. A French astronaut, dismissed from the space program, and a Kazakh cop, disowned by his ranking hierarchy, set out to solve this mysterious paradox.

When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.


Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.

Fabienne is a star; a star of French cinema. She reigns amongst men who love and admire her. When she publishes her memoirs, her daughter Lumir returns from New York to Paris with her husband and young child. The reunion between mother and daughter will quickly turn to confrontation: truths will be told, accounts settled, loves and resentments confessed.


As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's nine-year-old son, only have friends like him at Bagnolet's school? And when his friends all leave for a private school in Paris, his parents are frightened. From now on, Corentin is the only one in his class. But the only what?


Gabrielle is a "statue" for tourists, much to the chagrin of her teenage son. Elsa is in angry at the world and desperate to become pregnant. Mao is a chronically depressed video game designer who drowns his melancholy in alcohol and psychoanalysis. They are brother and sisters but do not hang out. Ever. Their parents Pierre and Claudine, separated for a long time, have really done nothing to strengthen the bonds of the family - yet, at their grandfather's funeral, they are going to have to meet, and together answer the question: "What to do with grandma?"


In the small bordertown of Villefranche, lost in the heart of a large forest, crime rate is six times higher than elsewhere in the area. Each new crime Major Laurène Weiss solves with the help of her unusual team makes her sink deeper and deeper into secrets of the area.


Marie is a violent cello and very talented teenager in school. Victor is a friendly boy, dynamic, but who knows some academic difficulties. Ignoring that Mary is losing sight, Victor falls in love with her. And little by little, to his great surprise, Marie starts to help her ... When Marie reveals her secret, a pact is concluded between the two teenagers: Victor helps her to hide her condition so that she can pass The entrance examination to the conservatory. An unfailing friendship will emerge from this unlikely duo, ready to do anything to face the rest of the world.


A social drama about a woman who is obligated to return to her parents’ home and agrees to work for her uncle in a doghouse.


Charming thirty-year-old Hanna Belkacem has inherited the gene from her parents: she is unable to say no. And as she is the Director of Human resources of a big firm such infirmity is not without its problems, particularly when she has to fire someone. The only solution she has found to be forgiven is to... get laid with the men she lays off! One day, not wanting to upset someone as she is wont to, she finds herself in a very embarrassing situation: she is mistaken for a former school-friend of a hospital doctor mourning his mother. She of course goes to bed with him. As a result, Dr. Paul Martin falls in love with her while mistaking her once again... for a prostitute this time!


On the day of his seven years, Simon is introduced to boar hunting by his father. His mother is pregnant and the boy will be confronted with the complexity of beings and learn of death.


Forty year old Jo is talented a property broker, but a complete catastrophe as a family man, father and husband, and with a neighbor he can't stand. one day he does something he never should have done.


In the short break between performances in Calais, stage actress Alix makes a quick escape to Paris. On the train she meets a mysterious English stranger and, for the most fleeting of afternoons, imagines what the future could hold down a different road.


While visiting an apartment, Adrien feels a twinge of jealousy as he watches Tess, his partner, enjoy herself with another visitor. That very evening, he receives a surprise summons to return for another visit. He must go alone, Tess being otherwise detained at work. He finds himself before a dilapidated old building which already has his name on the doorbell. As soon as Adrien crosses the threshold, the house closes in on him and he is embarked on a guided tour of the twists and turns of his own jealousy.

Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond of love is severely tested.


There's nothing to keep Yvan in Paris any longer. His wife has left him to live in Thailand. His teenage daughters have chosen to live with his sister Ariane, who is as anxious as she is admirable. Yvan is ready to leave... when beautiful Emmanuelle enters his life. She makes babies as easily as she falls in love, and she's accompanied by Léo, the little boy who Yvan's wife had with another man. Yvan is going to have to change his plans.


In April 1978, members of the Groupe Autonome Révolutionnaire (GAR) rob a bank in Zurich with the aim of bringing to light the covert ties between the Swiss financial system and dictatorships in Latin America. Wanting to secure concrete evidence, they film the entire operation.


Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she'd had a child, was even due to get married, and wham... she met Paul... And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardly got off the ground... Life started to gather speed. It was about time.


After murdering her abusive husband, a woman on the run develops a friendship with another widow.


David, a professor of dermatology, has been treating 13-year-old Romain since he was a baby. Afflicted with a rare skin condition, Romain must avoid sunlight and is condemned to live in the shade. David and Romain have become the closest of friends and nothing can separate them. But then David learns that he is about to be transferred to another clinic in another town. How will he be able to break the news to Romain? And how will Romain cope with this new crisis in his life?


March 1992, in a small town in the suburbs of Paris. During an alcohol fueled party, teenagers discover a body hidden in the bushes of a forest. A body that seems lifeless. Two weeks earlier. Simon, a 16 year-old teenager, has not shown up for class. Blood stains are found in a class-room. Run-away, kidnap, suicide, murder? A few days later, Laetitia, a student from the same class goes missing without her parents knowing where she has gone. A young girl with no dark background or connection to Simon. The next day, Jean-Baptiste, a third student, also disappears. Rumors start to spread. The psychosis begins...


Nemo Nobody leads an ordinary existence with his wife and 3 children; one day, he wakes up as a mortal centenarian in the year 2092.


Philosophy teacher in the provincial city of Saint-Etienne, Gregoire is a discreet man of integrity. He strives to instill the fundamentals of wisdom in his lethargic high-school students. Circumstances lead him to Paris where he encounters a new student in the shape of Patrick, a star TV presenter. Patrick's career is on a high, but he's not happy. He wants to learn, he wants to change, he wants Gregoire to be his life-coach.


French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.


When their regal matriarch falls ill, the troubled Vuillard family come together for a hesitant Christmastime reunion. Among them is rebellious ne'er-do-well Henri and the uptight Elizabeth. Together under the same roof for the first time in many years, their intricate, long denied resentments and yearnings emerge again.


One Christmas day. Three parallel lives. Three individuals in trouble. In one way or another, all of them have to face down their conscience and answer the real questions.


Un chef de gare surréaliste, un poète de la mécanique, un retraité "à la coule", une centenaire à l'humeur chantante, un paysan voyageur, un gyrocoptère qui fait du sur-place, un coq qui passe à la casserole... La Vie comme elle va prend les choses comme elles viennent et les gens comme ils sont. Loin du cynisme de la ville, le film révèle la réalité décalée d'un petit village de la campagne aveyronnaise : un bouquet champêtre d'humanité dont les héros sont reliés par un même désir, celui de vivre à Najac, proches de la nature, et y vivre bien, libres.


Raphael learns his incarceration. Being a short sentence, it is customary to have him sent home directly while waiting for an electronic bracelet. So he decided not to warn anyone.
