Lauritz Falk

This well-executed biographical docudrama is a plunge into the madness (and the sanity) of a writer living life on its rawest edges. Agnes Von Krusenstjarna (Stina Ekbland) was a Swedish novelist (1894-1940) whose works ranged from the idyllically romantic to crushingly sardonic, sexually explicit autobiography. Von Krusenstjarna teamed up with the eccentric bisexual David Sprengel (Erland Josephson) and continued to suffer bouts of mental instability that Sprengel felt were best cured by sexual abandon. Von Krusenstjarna was not a model of emotional health when she first met Sprengel. She had inherited madness from her family while at the same time passionately rebelled against the narrow-minded mores of her genteel but poor parents. With his own wildly unorthodox behavior, Sprengel both helped and hindered Von Krusenstjarna throughout their turbulent relationship.


David, a middle-aged researcher, lives happily with his wife Ingrid and their kids. By a coincident he meets and falls in love with a young woman named Eva. Their relationship will only last a few months.


Hedeby is a sleepy village in the rich, agricultural province of Sörmland. On the face of it, not much has changed during the centuries. The count lives outside the village in his large ...


A Swedish diplomat travels to a civil war in a Latin American country. His mission is to mediate between the two extremist groups.


Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.


The former convicted Eddie from Oslo meet Suzanne, the daughter of a tyrannic Swedish police chief, in a discotheque by coincidence. Together they run off to France. The father starts the hunt for them, thinking they're doing drugs.


Office executive Knut Levin decides to arrange a party at work. Things don't go exactly according to plan with hilarious results.


On his death-bed, Per Henrik Pistolekors must promise his father two things: first of all to kill king Gustav III, which his father hates. Second, to take his half-sister Annarella to Stockholm to find her a rich and noble husband.


"Night Games" - Jan fights impotence (literal and symbolic) and anguished childhood memories in a decadent Swedish castle where risqué parties and daring scenes defy 1960s' movie censorship, reaffirming the ground-breaking role of Swedish films in helping advance adult, sexually concerned themes in international cinema.


Lawyer Hans is having an affair with his secretary Anni and is trying to get his wife to meet another husband. When his wife falls in love with another man, Hans instead becomes jealous and realizes his true love for Ellen.

A Norwegian movie about love. A group of friends go on a trip to the beach. Drama ensues when everyone seems to be in love with the same person.


When private eye John Hillman is on assignment in London his wife Kajsa visits the Army's riding school at Strömsholm, Sweden. She gets involved in the strange murder of the Blue Rider. Unknown to everyone at Strömsholm.


Millionaire Victor Danemore, living on the French Riviera, dies suddenly of a heart attack. His secretary, Dave Bishop, wants to know more about his employer's life. Surprisingly, not even his young wife knows anything about her husband's background or how he earned his fortune. Clues lead Bishop to Vienna and Stockholm, where he learns that Danemore was black-mailing people who cooperated with the Nazis during WW2.


The Faroe Islands during the 18th century. Danish bailiff's control the island. In Torshamn lives Master Wenzel, known as hard but just. Wenzel tries to arrange a marriage for his daughter Inger.


Siv Blom is a young impulsive girl with a special ability to come up in extraordinary situations. She also sleepwalks and one day strolling she sleepwalks unsuspecting into the bedroom to the sublime painter 'Picasso'. The art painter comes to admire her naivete, but doesn't have enough time for her. After that Siv stumbles across a new man, a junior manager in the firm Høyland & Høyland. Høyland jr. falls for Miss Blom, but definitely not his mother. Therefore Siv is sent on business to Stockholm and thus she meets man no. 3, the womanizer Victor Wahlin. Who to marry now that Siv has acquired three very eager suitors whom all wants Siv's consent. The stage is set for many intrigues. Who wins?


Tom og Mette på sporet is a Norwegian crime film from 1952 and was, as the first in Norway, based on a children's book of the same name written by Odd Bang-Hansen.


Petter and Kari meet, fall in love, and get married. But it is not easy for a young couple of limited means to find a place to live. Moving in with Petter's parents proves impossible, Kari can't endure her mother-in-law's constant interference. Trying to build a house of their own is halted by so much red tape, and affordable rentals is hard to come by. When Kari gets pregnant things doesn't get any easier.


Set in medieval times about the cursed Moonshield family. The young knight Erland Moonshield fall in love with a gypsy enchantress, Singoalla, he meet in the forest.


When Inga Brantemo goes on a business trip to Italy, her husband Bertil gets romantically involved with Christina Lovén, whose father is a book publisher. When Inga returns, Bertil has a difficult time trying to explain who the woman the neighbors saw in the Brantemo home was. Bertil is an author and it doesn't get easier when he and his wife gets invited to Christina's father to talk business.


It is a great day for Albert and Yvonne. They will finally get divorced. Together with their lawyers they celebrate their new happy lives without each other, and all the fighting.


Land owner Bill Bärnfelt sees a beautiful woman when he is out riding and immediately falls in love. But then his former fiancee turns up and makes a fuss.


Tennis competitions between Swedish actors at Saltsjöbaden.

Iben Holt, a rich bohemian, lives in an occupied country. On his way home from a party he hears an explosion and sees flames rising from a factory. At home awaits another surprise.


An allegory of Germany's WWII occupation of Norway. Members of a theater ensemble join the resistance.


The architect Gösta complains to Dr. Holm about his wife Gunilla's introverted character. Holm proposes a drug that will make her more outgoing.


The title of this film "En herre med bart" translates as "A Gentleman with mustaches". It is the the story of a married couple, a hardworking lawyer and his wife. The wife is fed up with the marriage and wants a divorce, something the husband won't let her have.


Filmen foregår i en tid preget av hungersnød. Norge har vært i krig med England og Sverige og tidene er vanskelige. Gjest Baardsen har kommet i klammeri med loven, visstnok på grunn av en bagatell. Men Gjest bryter seg ut, i stedet er det lensmannen som blir låst fast med håndjern. Og Gjest flykter stadig med lensmenn og godtfolk på slep.


Based on the 1931 novel To levende og en død by Sigurd Christiansen. A post office worker is left wrestling with his conscience following a robbery at his workplace.


The widow Maja Brummell lives in Stockholm with her daughters Elsa, Brita, Ann-Marie, Svea and Ingrid. Mrs. Brummell has a lousy business sense.

A collective of office girls and their tribulations in the male world, female solidarity, the place of women in the labor and civil rights struggles and the conflict between love and work.
