Léa Fazer

Nadia raised, alone, her son Noé in Paris suburbs. She is proud when he is accepted in second in the prestigious high school Henri IV. To promote her studies, she moved to Paris and went into debt to offer what others have. She discovers the pleasure of buying, unknowingly developing an addiction to consumption. Even as her son manages to adapt to his new high school, she can not stop.


During the opening of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Exhibition in 1889, three engineers from the Eiffel companies are killed under mysterious circumstances. Louise Massart, the recently divorced daughter of one of them, scandalizes society and finds herself unjustly accused of her father's murder. Incarcertaed in the psyche ward of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, she discovers through hypnosis that the key to the affair lies within her, and finds the strength to accept her differences.


Henry, a young actor, finds himself involved in a film by cinema superstar, Cédric Rovere. Charmed by his benevolence, feelings hitherto unknown are aroused, while Rovere, intrigued by Henry's dream, lives this shoot as an unexpected gift.


Adeline's Chinese housekeeper suddenly disappears, leaving behind a little boy who doesn't speak a word of French. Helped by her sister, she takes care of the child and proceeds to locate the mother.


Imagine, if you will, a somewhat contented married woman finding out her husband's infidelity during the celebration of a birthday party. That is what happens to Marie-France, when her husband, Henri, pulls out panties from his pocket to be used as a handkerchief. Marie-France becomes furious, storming out of the house. His son, Sebastian and his wife, Clementine, a struggling couple, decide to take Marie-France to their tiny apartment, something they feel it is a temporary arrangement. Little did they know what they were getting into...


Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l'enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu'il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s'adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu'il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.
