Leart Dokle

When American Ranger John Cutter fails to save a family being held hostage and loses his entire team in a battle with infamous Ukrainian Arms Dealer Igor Rodin, John is discharged from the army. Three years later he is approached by his old General to go on a private contract mission when Igor resurfaces.


A group of Bulgarian soldiers go on a mission during the Balkan War.


At the end of the 18th century in Bulgaria under Ottoman slavery, a young woman leaves home and family to become leader of a guerrilla gang.


In this adaptation of the critically acclaimed debut novel by Iranian American author Dalia Sofer, a secular Jewish family is caught up in the maelstrom of the 1979 Iranian Revolution.


It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in their hands. The province of Roman Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of rebellion and control. And on this greater canvas Luke, narrates a story of wonder, amazement and impact... The world is anticipating this moment in history but no one can imagine God touching His creation in the form of a little baby named Jesus. Much is recorded in the Gospels about Jesus' miraculous birth, to a young virgin named Mary, in Bethlehem, but little is known about his quiet growing up in Nazareth. Joseph, his adopted father, seems to have died well before Jesus turns 30 and begins his ministry.
