Lee Kwok-Laap

Four Chefs and a Feast is a drama starring Jordan Chan

Root, who was born into a boat family, bought a woman from mainland China, Lotus, to take care of his mother who had difficulty getting about. Lotus' optimistic and persevering character influenced everyone on the boat. The vicissitudes of life convinced Root that human was no different from the ever-changing sea.


Jiuwen dragon, who lives by collecting bad debts, divorced his wife and lived with his son. He didn't want his son to know that he didn't do his job. He falsely claimed that he was a policeman, but he accidentally...

Pan Hung is Lily, a humble bus conductor hired by Hong Kong commodities trader Sean Lau to be his connection to the Shanghai stock market. Lily finds the job surprisingly easy, and the duo begins to make big money. But at what price? With wealth and prosperity a driving daily goal for Lily, will her own family come to bear the cost? Director Lee Lok See uses his Shanghai focus to great effect, finding many avenues and opportunities for his satirical observations and cultural clashes. With capitalism and communism going head on in the rapidly growing city of Shanghai, which value system will ultimately live in each person's heart?


Following the tragic events of Sting of the Scorpion, Maggie finds herself stripped of her rank and committed to an insane asylum. The crooked cop who put her there offers to procure her release and reinstatement - if she'll go undercover as a bar hostess to spy on the triads. The whole thing's a setup, of course, and soon Maggie is on the run from the law, as well as nursing a bad heroin addiction. She finds refuge in the criminal underworld, where she accepts a job as an undercover assassin. But when her identity is exposed, Maggie has both sides of the law gunning for her life.


Heroic Bloodshed movie from 1992