Lee Powell

This is a TV-movie feature edited from the 1938 Republic serial "Fighting Devil Dogs"


Edited version of the 1940 Universal serial "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe", released in a syndication package to TV in 1966.


In this western, guns blaze, fists fly, horses run, and justice prevails in the end.


A ring of cattle thieves uses short-wave radio to communicate with each other. A trio of range detectives must find a way to capture the gang.


In this western, two deputies go undercover to save a scientist from his evil kidnappers.


A reporter (Michael Ames) runs from charges by a corrupt politician only to face them years later.


PRC's shoddy Frontier Marshal series came to a merciful end with this below-average Western starring radio personalities Bill "Cowboy Rambler" Boyd and Art Davis and former serial ace Lee Powell. They come to the aid of miner Pop Lawrence (Karl Hackett) and his daughter, Susan (Julie Duncan), whose foreman (Jack Ingram) is stealing tungsten ore on behalf of saloon proprietor Big Ben Salter (Charles King). Pop's son and heir, Joe (Howard Masters), is framed in his father's killing by the nefarious Big Ben, who wants to get his greedy hands on Susan's inheritance, the Paradise Mine. Marshal Powell and his two rather inactive sidekicks are unable to save Joe's life and the film ends on a rather downbeat note with Susan the only Lawrence left standing.


In this western, a frontier detective disguised as an entertainer performs for the leader of an outlaw gang. At the same time, he learns the whereabouts of the outlaws' hideout. Unfortunately, his true identity is revealed and he must escape if he is to bring the gang to justice.


It's WW II and German Reuther has organized local gangs to sabotage the beef supply at the source. Marshal Lee Clark arrives to investigate and joins up with local cowboys Art Davis and Bill Boyd. Lee has a typewritten note from the gang and hopes it can be traced to it's source.


The scout's grandson (Bill Elliott) foils land-grabbers; his sidekick (Dub Taylor) flirts with twins.


Tom Cameron (George Houston) is searching for the outlaws who ambushed a wagon train, murdered his parents and stole the deed to their land. Though he was only a child at the time, he vividly remembers the scar on the ringleader's face -- and Tom will stop at nothing until he brings him to justice … and exacts vengeance. Al St. John, Hillary Brooke and Karl Hackett costar in this 1941 oater from director Sam Newfield. - George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John


Edited version of the 1938 Republic serial "The Lone Ranger."


A mysterious plague, the Purple Death, ravages the earth. Dr. Zarkov, investigating in his spaceship, finds a ship from planet Mongo seeding the atmosphere with dust. Sure enough, Ming the Merciless is up to his old tricks. So it's back to Mongo for Flash, Dale, and Zarkov, this time with ready-made allies waiting: Prince Barin of Arboria and Queen Fria of the frozen northern land of Frigia; where, it so happens, is found polarite, antidote to the plague. But Ming will use all his forces to keep our heroes from thwarting his plans of conquest.


Kent wants the Allen ranch. So he has Steve and his men rustle their cattle using Pete as an informant. When the Trigger Pals Lucky, Stormy, and Fuzzy fight back, Kent frames Stormy for the rustling.


In 1865, Captain Mark Smith of the Confederate Army leads a band of deserters to conquer Texas and rule it as a dictator. In one of his first actions, he captures and assumes the identity of Texas' new Finance Commissioner, Colonel Marcus Jeffries, after having the real man murdered. When a contingent of Texas Rangers enters the territory, Snead, one of Smith's men, leads them into an ambush by Smith's "troopers". The Rangers are apparently wiped out, although one injured survivor is left. The survivor, nursed back to health by Tonto, swears to avenge the massacre and defeat "Colonel Jeffries" and his men.


Two marine lieutenants battle a masked would-be world conqueror who uses electricity as a weapon.


A Texas Ranger (Roy Rogers) and his pals come out of forced retirement to do what the cavalry cannot.


"Nevada" (Buster Crabbe) and "Weary" Pierce (Syd Saylor)hijack the loot taken in a bank hold-up by Les Setter (Harvey Stephens), and his gang. They escape from Sheriff Jim Henry Warner (Lew Kelly). U. S. government horse-buyer David Ward (Purnell Pratt)is killed by Settler's men and Settler takes his papers and goes to the ranch of Blaine (William Duncan) and asks for the horses Ward was to buy, promising payment from the government later. He also takes an interest in Ina Blaine (June Martel), much to the resentment of her sweetheart Ben Ide (John Patterson). "Nevada" and "Weary" are hired for the horse round-up but Setter has them and Ben arrested on a fake charge. Wil the aid of the camp cook, Millie Moran (Ruth Warren) they escape and start in pursuit of Setter and his gang.
