Lee Suk-yeon

In 1994, on the first day that Yoo Yeul went on air as the new DJ of the popular radio show ‘Music Album,' a college girl Mi-su meets Hyun-woo who happens to drop by the bakery she works at. Like the music streaming from the radio, their frequencies slowly come in sync; even when they're apart, the show brings them together through ebbs and flows of events arising from both pure coincidence and inevitability, until the bitter reality sets in and drives them apart...


Can women and men stay just as friends? Both Choi Sua and Seo Dou are married, but not to each other. The relationship between the two is interesting. They are definitely not a couple. They are not friends, either. Yet, they are involved in each other's life.


A seemingly happy family gets rocked by the suicide of the 14-year-old daughter.


A Joseon dynasty bounty hunter becomes the body guard of the queen he secretly loves.


When stricken with a terminal disease, Young-su leaves his careless high life in the city, live-in girlfriend and dwindling business. He retreats to a sanatorium in the countryside in order to treat his illness, where he meets a young woman who is a resident patient there. Soon they develop feelings for each other and leave the sanatorium together to live in a small but cozy farm house. Their health improves dramatically but when Young-su’s friends from the city come for a visit, he starts to wonder if he should abandon mundane rural village and return to his former lifestyle.


An assistant to a TV producer, eager to stay off his bad side, promises to convince her former professor, a famous but reclusive academic, to appear on their show, which helps locate long-lost persons. Who does grey-haired Professor Yun Suk-Young want to see again more than anything? The answer to that question lies decades in the past.


A man and a woman meet in the hospital after their respective partners are involved in a car accident and learn that they've been having an affair.


As his sexual awareness increases, Gwang-ho no longer likes the scent of his mother, who wears heavy make-up as she sells cosmetics door-to-door. Eun-sook, an assistant nurse who is the complete opposite of Gwang-ho's mother, becomes the object of all of Gwang-ho's attention and affection. Absorbed in his thoughts, Gwang-ho is oblivious of the news of the presidents death and the picture of the new president replacing the late president in his classroom. Gwang-ho receives a letter of luck and starts sending it to people around him. As those people start vanishing, Gwang-ho is racked with guilt, suspecting the letter of luck is the cause of their disappearance.


A recording engineer falls for a radio announcer after they work together to capture sounds of the natural world.
