Leena Häkinen

A story about vagabond named Paul and his journeys in the countryside. He is a real charmer and many women will fall in his lap. This is the first feature-length color film made by Fennada .


Lasse Pöysti's directorial debut film. ..And Helena Plays (1951) is based on Aino Räsänen's second novel of the same name in the Helena series. When the Winter War breaks out, Helena and Arttu (Jussi Jurkka), the son of Jari Junkker (Irma Seikkula, Erkki Viljos), go to the front. Arttu proposes her girlfriend Elina (Leena Häkinen) to marry him, but the world events come between. When his son is not heard of at the end of the war, the relatives begin to believe that Arttu is dead - everybody else but not Helena.
