Len Ciccotello

This six-part documentary covers a variety of subjects, which at least give fans the opportunity to clarify that Dafne Keen is not the devil child she appears to be in the film.

A nine-part making-of documentary that has cast and crew look at story/character areas and the original comics, what Singer brings to the film, cast and performances, costumes, sets and production design, photography and shooting 3D, music, editing, and sound design, various effects, aspects of the "Rogue Cut", the film's reception and what to expect from the next movie.


A nice exploration of the samurai-ninja aspect of the story, including its roots in the actual Marvel comic books. There are the requisite interviews with the principal cast and crew along with copious clips from the film as well as some behind the scenes footage (including a look at that supercool metallic bed that the elderly Yashida lies on in the lab in his fortress).


An enthralling and fast-paced four-part documentary feature that covers the making of one of the last major Hollywood epics; Titanic. Cast and crew speak on setting the sinking of the ship against a classic romance. The feature also examines casting and the young couple headlining the film, DiCaprio's and Winslet's on-set friendship and their differing acting styles, the expansive sets and filming locations, the authenticity of the recreated ship, James Cameron's work and dedication, and budgeting. And many more aspects of the film are overviewed.


Documentary on the making of 'Spider-Man.'
