Lena Kristin Ellingsen

When 17-year-old Anna Lorentz returns to Narvik in 1940 with her older sisters and brother, they find their town destroyed. They recover the family home, and survive the years that follow by running a hair salon. All this time, Anna nurtures her own dream.

In Norway on 22 July 2011, right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 young people attending a Labour Party Youth Camp on Utöya Island outside of Oslo. This three-part story will focus on the survivors of the attacks, the political leadership of Norway, and the lawyers involved.


A mother reports her student daughter Lisa missing, but detective Aslak Eira is getting too little information, and she is found in a lake. The more they investigate, the less they seem to understand. Then Lisa's best friend goes missing too.


Peter Verås is an uncompromising journalist in the most respected newspaper in Norway. He makes his life’s biggest mistake when he gets hold of evidence of a financial fraud from an anonymous source. It turns out the evidence points to his own brother. As he still pursues and the story breaks, the brother commits suicide. Peter tries to track down the anonymous source, only to discover that the source was the brother himself. A search for the truth has commenced that involves media, high – ranked politicians as well as the financial elite. The closer he gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes for him and his brother’s family.


Jonas is 7 years old and lives with his mother. They have just moved to a small municipality. Jonas is used to moving, but now he is scared that his mom is ill again.

After a bad breakup, Georg goes back to live with his father Frank. His greatest desire is to be a father, and his greatest fear is to become as paranoid and intolerable as Frank. Georg, still feeling sane, starts writing letters to his future son while looking for a mother worthwhile…


Terrified and bloody, Oscar Svendsen awakes clinched to a shotgun in a strippers joint. Around him 8 dead men, and police aiming at him. To Oscar it's clear that he is innocent. It all started when four chaps won 1,7 million on the pools.


The supermarket clown Ulrik is dreaming of becoming a stand-up comedian, the handicapped Amnesty girl Kristin is in love with Alexander, but does not dare to tell him, and Maya is to be deported from the country because she is a "consumed" mail order bride.
