Lenny White

Patrick Savey plunges us into Marcus's world, capturing the New York roots of the legendary bass player, following his path like the pebbles of Tom Thumb, as he meets masters of Jazz like Larry Graham, Jaco Pastorius, David Sanborn, Herbie Hancock, Al Jarreau and Miles Davis. A fantastic visual and musical journey through the history of this exceptional musician

Return To Forever were at the forefront of jazz/rock fusion in the seventies and like their contemporaries Weather Report and Mahavishnu Orchestra were formed by a former Miles Davis sideman, in this case the great Chick Corea. Return To Forever hit their commercial and artistic peak with a string of albums in the mid-seventies featuring the line-up of Chick Corea on keyboards, Stanley Clarke on bass, Al Di Meola on guitar and Lenny White on drums. In 2008 this classic line-up reunited for their first tour in 25 years and proved that their musicianship and the chemistry within the band were as strong as ever.


The Blue Note Collection - The Manhattan Project