Leonardo Alonso

Vanessa is a trans girl who decides to run away from home to go with her boyfriend and cross together the border to reach the United States. They will live in their own flesh the fortunes and dangers of the desert that thousands of migrants have to face every day to get their dreams, to reach the other side.

It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.

Lalo is a fourteen year old teenager who, from an naive approach, gets involved in the underground world of the gas theft mafia while he's trying to make money to buy a gift for Ana and win her heart.


After the devastating disappearance of her teenaged daughter, Rocío attempts to uncover the truth in the dense tangle of bureaucracy and patriarchal social norms.

The life of Fermín goes by, divided between his work as a diablero and the confinement he lives in within his house. Like him, other families live in a vecindad in the heart of Mexico City. One day, a company colluded with the government threatens to evict the vecindad tenants in order to build a mall. Facing the threat of an eviction, the tenants join in solidarity to come out of their self-absorption and fight for a common cause.


A rural boy comes back to his town to discover that nothing is as it used to be.

Humberto works as a night watchman at a remote and desolate construction site. One night he becomes, unwittingly, the sole witness to a cover up. Afraid of being retaliated against lest he come forth, he decides to keep quiet. Gradually and without him being aware of it, Humberto ends up inflicting on his family the same violence from which he´s running away.


Powerful psychological thriller based on the true story of a serial murderer, who for his crimes, was sentenced to the electric chair and survived. The murderer justified his crimes stating he was chosen by God to fulfill the desire for liberation and death of his victims.


Franco and Roberto, both photojournalists with different perspectives, witnes the violent repression of a young man in a political event. Franco photographs the incident but elements of the candidate's security discover him. Roberto will have the possibility of saving his friend's life risking his own safety.