Leonid Kanevskiy

This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.


To ensure that the viewer guessed in the name of Ilfipetrov that Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov were separate, the authors collected an impressive evidence base: live testimonies were obtained in Moscow, Odessa, Yaroslavl, Paris, New York; in the exact repetition of the route of "One-storied America", in miraculously preserved family archives.


Cohen takes an elliptical approach in telling the story of Pinchas Rutenberg, a visionary, complex, and larger-than-life figure, who, amongst other things, brought electricity to Jewish Palestine in the early 20th century by building a hydroelectric power station in Nahararyim.


Zaza is a 31-year old Israeli bachelor, handsome and intelligent, and his family wants to see him married. But tradition dictates that Zaza has to choose a young virgin. She must be beautiful and from a good family, preferably rich. Zaza's parents, Yasha and Lily drag Zaza to meet potential brides and their families. Zaza has no choice. He plays along with his family, advocates of the suffocating traditions of their Georgian Jewish heritage. But Zaza always manages to somehow get out of being engaged. What his parents don't know is that Zaza is already in love. Judith is sensuous, strong and intriguing. She's also a divorcée with a 6-year-old daughter. So Zaza has kept Judith a secret from his family. He will have to choose between respect of the strict confines of family and tradition, or the love of his life.


Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..


Ex-Gulag prison guard investigates murder on the movie set.


Peppi-the-Longstocking, a super-strong redheaded little girl, moves into her father's cottage Villa Villekulla, and has adventures with her next-door neighbors Tommy and Annika...


The wonderful children’s author Eduard Uspensky has give us Cheburashka and Crocodile Ghena, “School of Clowns” and “Down Along the Magical River”, on which this magnificent film is based, one of the best children’s films of the 1980s-1990s. A very witty, kind and merry film! Just watch Tatiana Peltser alone as Baba-Yaga! Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land. And all this because his grandma is Baba-Yaga, albeit a kind one… Together with his grandma Yagorovna, Vasilissa the Wisest, House Spirit and Russian Herculeses, Mitya came out to fight the army of Koschei the Deathless (a fine work by Alexander Filippenko), One-Eyed Evil and Nightingale the Robber (Oleg Anofriyev)…


The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.


The queen of a magic kingdom is trying to marry her two daughters...


After starting learning in a technical school a young student Sergey Berendeev proves to everybody that he's a real inventor.


For many years the great Emir of Bukhara has not known happiness - he has lost the taste to delightful khalva, and now life is as sour as a lemon for him. The house of poor pot-maker Shir-Mamed, however, is full of happiness - his little son Hodzha Nasreddin has been born. Rumours have spread about his unusual abilities - maybe he will be able to make the Emir happy again?


Young schoolboy Slava Kurochkin suddenly finds himself in a town where books characters live.


A young girl known for being "Homeboy" for everybody is dreaming to become more feminine.


Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...


An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.


This is a last day before starting a first grade so seven year old Tyoma has a lot of important things to do.

A doctor arrives from work in a provincial town from Moscow. At first, he yearns for the capital and friends. In addition, there are no patients. Igor decides to return to Moscow, but getting to know the locals, and even more the feeling that arose between him and nurse Alyona, forces him to change his decision.


Soviet detective television series.


After professor creates a robot who looks like blue-eyed boy the criminals become very interested in the invention.

A sad story about a series of tragic events which happened in Greece during the seventies.


In the southern town, a gang of "currency traders" is operating, led by the Chief and his assistant Kozodoyev. A modest Soviet clerk and an exemplary family man Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov goes on a foreign cruise on a motor ship, on which Kozodoyev also sailed, who must pick up diamonds in one of the eastern cities and transport them in a plaster hand. But due to a misunderstanding, instead of a swindler, an unsuspecting Gorbunkov falls in the appointed place, and a precious plaster is imposed on him. That's where it all starts...


After their town is occupied the citizens are trying to fight the enemy. Based on Tamara Gabbe fairy tale.
