Leonid Pleshakov

An unexpected man once considered dead by everybody suddenly occurs in the life of Moscow artist and his family and changes everything forever.


Screen adaptation of the play by Maxim Gorky "Vassa Zheleznova". Saga of the death of a merchant family. For many years, Vassa Zheleznova has been leading the family business and, despite the inconspicuous children, her dissolute husband, alcoholic brother, and revolutionary daughter-in-law, is trying to maintain at least the appearance of a normal family... 1913 is coming, and everything that was dedicated to her life is wrecked.


Soviet film based on Borges' "Garden of Forking Paths." The film tells about the events that occurred on the eve of the British offensive in Saint-Montauban on July 24, 1916. A screen version of the short story of the famous Argentine classic Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986). Course work by Alexander Kaidanovsky, as a director, at the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors at VGIK. "Pavilion" for filming was chosen a room in a communal apartment on Vorovskogo street, where Alexander Kaidanovsky lived.


In the southern town, a gang of "currency traders" is operating, led by the Chief and his assistant Kozodoyev. A modest Soviet clerk and an exemplary family man Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov goes on a foreign cruise on a motor ship, on which Kozodoyev also sailed, who must pick up diamonds in one of the eastern cities and transport them in a plaster hand. But due to a misunderstanding, instead of a swindler, an unsuspecting Gorbunkov falls in the appointed place, and a precious plaster is imposed on him. That's where it all starts...
