Leonid Satanovskiy

Political pamphlet based on the story of the Finnish writer Martti Larni "Socrates in Helsinki". Spring of 1944. In the paradise, which has long been settled by the philosopher Socrates, a fired soldier Vittori Virten arrives. The philosopher respected the newcomer with great respect, and they even became friends. Once having distinguished himself before God, the heroes get a vacation on Earth and go on a journey: the soldier decides to visit his family in Laconia, and the sage just wanted to see the world — did he think it once, and decided to join the soldier...

Young Leningraders, yesterday’s schoolchildren, are entering adulthood. Sonya is in love with Styopa, but he loves Tanya, and Tanya prefers Fedya. The rejected Styopa leaves for a distant Siberian city and starts working at the factory, studying at the evening institute. Sonya leaves after him and gets a job at the same factory. Tanya and Fedya, having married, go to college, and the young husband has to earn some money as a driver to support his family. The selfish nature of Tanya refuses to put up with the modest position in which the newlyweds are forced to be, and she starts an affair with an elderly composer...
