Leopold Rene Nowak

A young man named Josef visits a dilapidated Sanatorium to see his father Jakob. On his arrival, a sinister doctor informs him that his father had stopped breathing but hasn't died yet, perhaps due to Josef's arrival which may have halted time in the sanatorium. Josef undertakes a strange journey through the many rooms of the sanatorium, each which conjures worlds composed of his memories, dreams and nightmares


A lonely Border Guard officer, with a girl and a former villain, has to face a local corrupt Militia (Police) commandant and his people, in wild Bieszczady Mountains in the Polish East.


The movie is about the fate of Polish soldier named Kaleń who fought with UPA in 1945. Set in the closing days of World War II, the film recounts the adventures of the Polish soldier caught in the turmoil among the Polish Communist army, anti-communist underground and Ukrainian fascists.


In this haunting short fiction film, a group of Jewish children and their teacher are herded into an ambulance by Nazis; the vehicle, ordinarily representing comfort and safety, becomes the group’s death chamber. Morgenstern’s presentation of the incident serves as a metaphor for the horror of the Holocaust, and provides a powerful trigger for discussion of the disturbing issues raised by the film. The figure of the children's’ teacher specifically parallels Janusz Korcak (1879-1942), a famous Jewish educator who ran an orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto and died with his young charges at Treblinka.


While visiting Warsaw, Hanka falls for a record-breaking bricklayer. Soon she returns to the city to work at construction sites and prove that women's work is not worse than that of men's.
