Leslie Howard Gordon

A crime film directed by Leslie Howard Gordon...

'Rich man returns to first wife on finding second wife loves younger man.' (British Film Catalogue)

A father takes the blame for a crime committed by his daughter.

A drama film directed by Sinclair Hill

A mystery film directed by Leslie Howard Gordon.

A film directed by Sinclair Hill.

When a handsome young cellist ingratiates himself on the wealthy Cardew family, Mrs Laura Cardew (Frances Doble) appears to become infatuated with him, much to the frustration of her artist husband David (Stuart Rome). Convinced that his wife is having an affair he seizes the opportunity for hideous revenge when Laura suggests that he makes a cast of the musician’s priceless hands.


Set against the backdrop of the shell crisis of 1915 at home and the Battle of Loos on the Western Front, two soldiers, one the manager of Grimlaw’s munitions factory are tested in their rivalry for Diana, a red cross nurse (Madeleine Carroll in her first film role).


An armament king's wife kills herself to save her MP lover from a divorce scandal.

A colonel's daughter marries a farmer in name only, but returns to him when her lover threatens suicide.

In Canada a man investigates his brother's death and saves a suspected girl from kidnap.

In Paris a Count's enforced wife takes the blame when her ex-lover is killed by the diplomat she loves.

A highwayman rides to York to stop a lady marrying a usurper.

An old knight weds his dead friend's daughter but she gives herself to an Italian Don to bear an heir.

In Australia a drunkard hires a gang to kill his ex-fiancée's husband.
