Li Hsuan

Two swordsmen from separate sects band together to kill Ruthless Chi, head of another sect.But did he really die? Events show that the Ruthless killer stills controls the strings and its up to the swordsmen to reveal his true identity.


Giant fire breathing rubber dragons, laser firing Ying/Yang symbols, giggling evil midgets, flying children, invisible women..

The Devilish Killer is the most dangerous fighter that ever lived...After defeating all of China’s martial art factions in a grand battle, he decides that his victory cannot be complete unless he possesses the two Thunderbolt Swords. The leader of the Thunderbolt Sword clan sends his two sons into hiding knowing that sooner or later the Devilish Killer will come for them and destroy his clan. After the two sons leave, taking the Thunderbolt Sword with them, fate leads them to meet a young swordswoman who owns the other Thunderbolt Sword and together they unite their swords and train for the ultimate showdown with the Devilish Killer.


Star studded swordplay film from Taiwan. An evil tyrant wreaks havoc on the martial world. The Swordsmen of Dragon Gate unite to defeat him.


Taiwanese drama film.

During the Ming dynasty in China, the coastal areas were rampant. A Wokou who refers himself as the Nippon Ronin (Chan Hung-lit), colludes with the coastal local tyrants of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces, along with cult religious groups. They occupy Baiyunzhuang and plundered everywhere. Young warrior Fan Chen-tung (Kong Ban) leads a resistance group to retaliate which prompts the Chinese martial world to share the same hatred against the Japanese and tyrants.


Six Top martial art masters battle it out for supremacy in the much troubled martial world.

A swordsman and swordswoman fight to protect Lady Liu who is trying to return to power. She's traveling in a coffin, the heroes can only hope they all aren't sent home in one.

A film based on the Oath of the Peach Garden which is a fictional event in the 14th-century Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong.