Li-peng Wan

The Progenitor, Cheng Yang, Cheng Jen and his brother, Chung Yin-Chiu tried all means to acquaint with the “Yin Yang Separate Body Style”, which was the most powerful Taoism Kung-fu of Yin Yang Tang. One day, Student, Ko Sheng practiced the style secretly. Since his basic Kung-fu training was not well-established, he made his soul separated from the body. At the most critical moment, he was saved by Yin-Chiu. The leader of Tien Wu Men, Master Fu Luen wanted to rule over the community by force, bitterly practiced the “Tzu Yin Wicked Style” kung fu. He controlled Kuan Shih-Chung by using poison and ordered him to get the urea of children and women's placenta for him to practice...


Two tough gangsters try to outdo each other to become Shanghai's top gangster and take control of the Wharf area. Some brilliant fights from top kung fu stars Wilson Tong and Philip Ko.

A woman seeks revenge against the people responsible for her sister's death.


The girlfriend of a con-man is being held in a brothel and he must try to raise 200 tales of gold as a dowry. So he cheats a country simpleton out of his money then goes and loses it in the casino resulting in the country man feeling sorry for him. The two become friends and as they are both expert fighters start working as instructors for a local big boss but this causes real trouble.
