Li Tung

Two swordsmen from separate sects band together to kill Ruthless Chi, head of another sect.But did he really die? Events show that the Ruthless killer stills controls the strings and its up to the swordsmen to reveal his true identity.


Tyrone Shu directs Lung Chun, Wang Tao, and Angela Mao in the historically set martial arts film Moonlight Sword & Jade Lion. During the Sung Dynasty, Mao plays a martial arts expert who finds herself involved in a variety of political intrigues. "Feisty ace martial artist Chu Siew Yen promises her teacher that she will find his missing brother. During her search Chu also tries to discover the identity of the person who killed her parents. Of course, accomplishing said tasks proves easier said than done as Chu faces opposition from many people she encounters on the way to uncovering the truth." Written by Woodyanders


Rebels try use the smuggling route to get the gold and map past the corrupt officials. Everybody was kung fu fighting.