Liane Haid

On the occasion of a charity ball in Vienna a kiss of a famous actress should be auctioned. Misunderstandings between the manager of the film star, a record producer and a student lead too all kinds of mistakes, during which a student is mistaken for a prince in disguise and almost breaks his hapiness. - Quickly and expertly produced mistake comedy with a lot of singing desposits and an at than popular comedian line-up, which offers amusing surface entertainment.


The student Leopold wants to marry blonde Kathrein, the landlady of the "Golden Goose" in Wurzburg. To discourage Leopold, Kathrein's aunt Minna writes to Leopold's father Valentin, whose been known as "Krambambuli" since his student days. When Leopold's parents arrive on the scen, his father speaks to Kathrein and realizes that she is in love with Stefan, the Kellermeister at the Golden Goose. But Leopold's mom has already told Stefan, that Leopold will marry Kathrein and, because of this, Stefan now wants to leave the Golden Goose.

The unemployed secretary Käte applies a job by mistake in the piano factory of the entrepreneur Helmut Hofert. He does not really have any need for an additional secretary at the moment, but Käte is very attractive.


Another fine film from the master of stylish early German comedies, Geza von Bolvary. This may not be among Bolvary's major works, but the story of a prince (Victor de Kowa) who substitutes for an actor playing a prince in a film without anyone knowing that he's a prince, which in the following leads to a plot in which the prince pretends to be a prince until someone reveals that he isn't a prince even though he is a prince… ahm… I know it's confusing… well, this story is entertaining indeed, and of course leads to some amorous troubles.

Both the King and his son have been deposed by popular demand. The now Prinz of Arkadia certainly enjoys his new role, which without much changing his lifestyle leaves him free to concentrate on his main interest -women. Including an actress who once wrote a mocking song about him -a song that he likes to sing.


Meine Kusine aus Warschau (My Cousin From Warsaw) was based on a stage play by Louis Verneuil. It's a romantic farce, with the heroine posing as her own cousin to carry on two amours at once.


Grock must return to the scene once more. Half-movie, half-documentary, this film memorably records Grock's showmanship.


Das Lied ist Aus (The Song Is Ended) is a typical early-talkie German musical in every respect, save one. The story, concerning the lives and loves of show folk, ends unhappily -- and surprisingly so. The doleful denouement didn't seem to have much effect on the film's box-office appeal, since Das Lied ist Aus proved a major moneymaker.


During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.


An eccentric millionaire brings together four men who, under different circumstances, wanted to commit suicide. The proposal made to them is the following: they will travel to an islet that, according to legend, emerged from the sea when Atlantis sank and that houses a fabulous treasure buried by the Incas. But that territory is populated by the worst band of pirates and evildoers the world has ever known.


Based on the play of the same name by Oskar Blumenthal and Gustav Kadelburg.

Two brothers follow very different paths after an accident at the factory where they both work.


After the revelation that Georg has seduced her, Maria is driven away by her father. Georg, fearing the wrath of Maria's father, has swiftly abandoned the girl and left for the mining town of Sankt Anton, where he expects to hide easily amongst the large population of colliers. Maria must care for herself, and ends up in Sankt Anton, where she attempts to rebuild her life. There, she gets to know Thomas, and soon the young people are engaged. When Georg and Maria meet again, drama ensues.


Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, has three adult children: Juan, who is virtuous and has a sweetheart who is a woman of the people, Lucrezia, who is virtuous and wants to marry Alfonso, and Cesare, who is wicked and lusts after Lucrezia, Juan's girlfriend, and probably others. Cesare has vowed to kill any suitor for Lucrezia's love, and he has three thugs to carry out his wishes. Bodies fall into the Tiber, into the Colosseum (with lions prowling), and onto the Vatican floors.


The long dead ancestress of a noble family returns to haunt her last two remaining descendants. She can not rest until the entire family line has passed away. When she reappears, the household knows it is an ill omen. The patriarch of the family is old, and without a son. He is eager for his daughter to marry. She has her eye on a handsome young nobleman named Jaromir, but he isn't quite who he appears to be. This may be the opportunity the restless spirit has been waiting for for so long... Forty minutes of the original eighty-four minute run time survive.
