Liina Brunelle

Jérémie, 34, wakes up in an apartment he doesn't know, next to a woman he doesn't know. She is Adna, a stunning Swedish woman who is as funny as she is sweet. Is this the beginning of a fairy tale? Not quite, since Jérémie is about to get married—to Antoine.


Following his release from a seven-year stretch in prison, Mario Diccara discovers that his affairs with the underworld aren't completely settled. His brother Patrick, a priest, suggests that he stays with elderly Father Etienne in a small village in Ardeche until the conflict blows over. But their plan takes an unexpected turn when Father Etienne dies.


Isabelle est une trentenaire célibataire (depuis qu'elle est divorcée). Elle est belle, sexy, drôle, émouvante, intelligente... Irrésistible ! Elle est numéro 2 d'un journal qu'elle a créé avec Brice son partenaire et qu'elle dirige d'une main de fer même pas recouverte d'un gant de velours ! Tous les hommes sont fous d'elle. Tous ! Trois en particuliers ! Son fils, Achille, 10 ans, qui depuis le


A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here or of what happened to the man whose body he finds beside him. Tailed by a mysterious creature, he must continue through this strange and fantastic world. Enclosed, Tolbiac has no other option to reach the surface than to use REZO ZERO, secret observing cells in this cemetery-like abandoned mine.
