Lilian Oldland

A really well made British murder mystery from British Gaumont studios. Story opens with a dead body found in a trunk. Who's the cold-blooded killer?


A young woman designer goes to London to further her career, but things are complicated when her invention is a success.


An actor is murdered live on air whilst a play is being broadcast. Everyone in the play and broadcasting house fall under suspicion.


A family heirloom is stolen and the family attempts to recover it.

A man steals a priceless diamond, but returns it when an innocent man is arrested for the theft.

A couple rent a luxury flat and try to pass it off as their own in order to impress a wealthy relative.

A Lieutenant becomes mixed-up with some stolen jewels.

A man falls madly in love with a woman and stages a robbery in an effort to frame her sweetheart

A silent drama film directed by E. H. Calvert.

A lieutenant is branded a coward after saving a beleaguered fort for an amnesiac major.

A wealthy man who acquires a mind-reading machine is soon horrified to discover what people are really thinking.