Lin Nong

Counter-revolutionaries oppose Gao Daquan and the progressive production cooperative union efforts at improving flood control.

In 1894 the Japanese Imperial Navy provokes the Chinese navy to test defenses. Some Chinese want to make concessions while others want to fight. When Japan invades, some naval officers put up a heroic resistance.


During the War of Resistance Against Japan, a CCP army unit guarding the southwest border follows what is ostensibly a trading caravan and discovers that these traders are actually smuggling arms and spy equipment to Chiang Kai-shek and his American allies.

Political intrigue by the Nationalists among the Jingpo people after the liberation of China.


Shangrao Concentration Camp is set in the hellish confines of a Guomindang (Nationalist) prison, where the brutal officials try to force two female Communist prisoners to reveal their leader's identity and location. While its subject and year of production might suggest a propaganda film, Shangrao has garnered some interesting (if chronologically impossible) comparisons to Bresson from some critics for its intense, haunting minimalism, though its true roots are in the Soviet cinema then widely distributed in China; in particular, the great cinematographer Zhu Jinming offers a brilliant echo of Dovzhenko's overwhelming landscapes in his images of China's rugged northern climes.