Linda Sini


Two thugs take 15 people hostage and demand a ransom from the authorities million dollars in gold, a car and a plane to get out of the country.


Ciccio Zannone, a insignificant little man, but who is very successful with women, wants to join the "family" of Don Calogero Lentini, the mafia "boss" of a small Sicilian town.


No overview


Tazio Brother from Velletri has a reputation as a miracle worker. Messer Nuccio de 'Tornabuoni bets that will win Lisa, the wife of the standard-bearer of Justice Lapo de' Pazzi. To realize the dream spread the news that Brother Tazio has the power to drive the demon of lust from the body of women, after he himself claims to be the famous monk and is abusing Lisa and careful Gigliola, the Lapo sister. Thus begins a series of daring escapes, occasionally interrupted by the conquest of new girls. Meanwhile frà Tazio it suffers the ire of betrayed husbands.


Series of tales. The framing story: a group of women are doing their laundry and begin to tell lusty tales.


A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.


A woman is fatally stabbed in bed, a prostitute is battered into oblivion and a female painter is strangled with a telephone cord. Another woman, Giulia, who is on her honeymoon, is attacked in a train carriage but the killer flees when her husband Mario comes to the rescue. In spite of his protestations to the police, Mario is accused of being the murderer. He sets out to prove his innocence by conducting his own enquiries. In the meanwhile, a woman in an insane asylum is drowned in a bath and another female victim is power-drilled to death...


Year 1000. At the death of King Henry, Stefano Cunningam seized with the power of power making himself crowned king of England and Scotland. Ten years later, a young Norman, Ivanhoe, returning home from the Holy Land where he fought, finds the nation prey to the violence and cruelty of Stephen and his acolytes. Conducted in prison for his opposition to the usurper, Ivanhoe learns from York, former advisor to King Henry, also held prisoner, that the "Norman sword", symbol of the power of the king of England and Scotland is not in the hands of Stefano, but is guarded by a Scottish clan loyal to the dynasty of Henry.


A Yankee gunman, Hallelujah, is hired by Mexican Juarista, General Ramirez to confiscate a case of jewels to fund the revolution. For this, Hallelujah will receive a percentage. But other parties are interested in the case and when they turn out to be fakes, it all deteriorates into a cat and mouse style game with Hallelujah, gunrunners, the French, and a Russian outlaw(!) all searching for the real jewels. - SWDB


Sartana, bounty hunter and gunfighter, witnesses the robbery of a shipment of gold. He finds his way into town where he meets with a lot of suspicious stares from the locals. He also meets with Samuel Spencer, who seems to own the company in this company town. The gold shipments are being stolen, so Spencer agrees to hire Sartana to protect the next gold shipment. Numerous dull-witted villains make attempts on Sartana's life, but he survives. Eventually, Sartana's nemesis Sabbath (he of the white coat and parasol) rides into town. With a showdown inevitable, Sartana and Sabbath square off to settle the score.


Luke Barrett, having lost his memory due to an accident, does not realize that Dingus had killed his wife and brother to take possession of the Barretts' land and money. At first Luke trusts him, but while looking for his forgotten identity he discovers the truth.


Franco, singer in search of success, falls in love with Marisa. But she walks away from him to stay close to her sick cousin.


Chad Stark is offered his life and a nice ammount of dollars if he is to bring back the runaway son of mexican land-owner Gutierrez . This son, Fidel, teams up with an outlaw band lead by a former military man going by the name The Major. When Stark finds Fidel he is reintroduced to an old acquaintance which makes his job of returning the son a lot more difficult.


Eurospy movie


In the 21st century, aliens with mind-control powers attempt to take over the earth.


In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.


The FBI sends agents to Jamaica to investigate arms smuggling to revolutionaries in Santo Domingo.


Two two-bit crooks get in the way of a criminal ring and cause a hold up to fail. The two flee to Paradise avoiding a reprisal and try and steal Saint Peter's halo.


A forty-year-old employee marries a seemingly quiet girl who turns into a mantis after the wedding.


The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then he finds a job in a building firm. Only by chance Cavalli finds out that his salary is paid by his wife to keep him busy. But the general is well known as a very reliable man, and Sandrelli, the firm's owner, uses him and his name to win a valuable contract. When Sandrelli is arrested, the general finds the money to honour his debt but he is robbed while he is going to the bank...


Two strange street musicians end up in jail and exchange sexy stories to while away time.


Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.


In days of old there lived a son of Hercules, who dwelt near Mount Olympus, and as a result was endowed with godlike powers. A city of civilized people face an army of rampaging barbarians. The people at once go into battle and pray for deliverance from the horror and destruction weighing so heavily over them. Just as all seems lost, our hero arrives to save the day and the beautiful Princess Daphne from certain death. What follows is a tangled web of mystery and duplicity as the son of Hercules falls in love with the princess but finds himself distracted by the earthly form of Venus, “Goddess Of Love.”


Four petty criminals pretend to be friars escaped from communist Hungary and go and live in a Sicilian convent


The incognito visit of a fascist hierarc in a tiny country town shakes deeply the ruling class and their lack of integrity.


Roberto, a shy law student in Rome, meets Bruno, a forty-year-old exuberant, capricious man, who takes him for a drive through the Roman and Tuscany countries in the summer. Along the way, they end up knowing each other and entering each other's lives. A twist at the end puts everything into perspective.


A reporter is murdered while driving to his job. The Police are contacted by a clairvoyant who saw the death in a vision, but some dark force is preventing him from seeing the man behind the crime...


Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).


A man turns to a life of crime after his mother's death.

An Italian historical drama.

After a factory worker is killed, Sergio Bruni is placed on remand for two years before being released for lack of evidence. Shunned by his wife and his colleagues, he must now discover the true culprit.

Bellissima is a satire of the film industry, and centers on a mother and daughter after the latter attends an audition.
