Linn da Quebrada

5 teachers deal with terrible conditions in public schools but renew everyday their faith on the work they do.


A portrait of transgender musician and artist Linn da Quebrada, who uses her body and performances as weapons to fight sexism, homophobia, and racism.


Sao Paulo, Brazil. Isabel, a 25-year-old girl, is kidnapped. The first ATM the criminals try to withdraw money from is broken. It's almost 10:00pm. The kidnappers realize they will not be able to get to the next one on time. What was meant to be an express kidnapping becomes an all-night imprisonment.


Elias is a handsome young deputy manager in a garment factory in São Paulo. When he’s not working, he enjoys casual encounters in the big city. The arrival of a young African, Fernando, on the production line piques his interest and Elias finds himself increasingly drawn into socialising with his work colleagues.


Paula, Beatriz, Giu and Fernando live in one of the poorest favelas of São Paulo. A world of marginalization and despair, in which they struggle for their rights as transgenders, but also for survival: according to the statistics from the Transgender Europe NGO, Brazil is the nation with the highest number of murders of transgender people each year. The choice to experience your body in complete freedom is a revolutionary concept and highly risky in this context. It is an affirmation of one's being. it is no coincidence that one of them, who has begun the transition phase writes in his diary: "Each hormone pill is a declaration of ownership of my body. After each pill, I feel much better in my own skin". This movie shows their daily life, their struggles and protests in a world where ignorance becomes oppression and hate: in a word transphobia.
