Lisa Hrdina

Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.


"Kruso" tells of the last summer before the Wall came down on the small island of Hiddensee in the Baltic Sea. Beyond state-organized tourism, the isolated island became a kind of artist colony every year and a place of longing for dropouts and alternatives. Due to its proximity to Denmark, Hiddensee was also the starting point for the flight across the Baltic Sea.


This film follows its two protagonists Anne and Leo like a wandering companion. Both in their early thirties, they are close friends but not a couple. What connects them is their urban background and their cosmopolitan attitude. Where they differ is their completely diverging approach to the little things in life. Their days and nights are full of possibility and yet nothing presents itself as inevitable. Anne is a successful director pursuing her career with singleminded determination. But she doesn’t have much of a social life. Leo’s head is in the clouds. He wants to be a photographer and is yearning to love and be loved. Their personal encounters and inspirational adventures cause them to realise the limitations of their varying approaches to life.


Sarah, Gerda and Leonie know each other from the chat room. They meet in a small village and walk together into the woods to commit suicide in a small tent. Before they can start their last journey they see themselves confronted with their decision to die, their thoughts about life and death and their fears.