Lisa Morton

Berton Pierce directed Sense of Scale, his first feature length documentary, with Tom Griep as co-producer. The film was made from 2010 to 2012. Berton travelled around America and Europe to interview the model makers personally. Altogether there are interviews with model makers from America, England, Germany, and Canada. Each offers a personal account of their work, and thoughts on the changes in the industry. The documentary is an oral history of the amazing hand crafted workmanship that has produced many iconic film effects over the last 35 years. It focuses on a subject Berton cares deeply about; how computer technology is slowly taking away practical hand made craftsmanship.


The story focuses on a group of 6 beautiful women called Thralls, referred to as "the white trash of vampires;" effectively a lower species of vampire. They don't kill people, they don't have the ability to turn their victims into vampires and they can't fly. These Thralls are under the control of Mr. Jones, the vampire who sired them, and whom they are trying desperately to escape. To do this they must complete a blood ritual which will turn them into full-blown vampires. Their plans hit a snag when Ashley, the younger sister of one of the Thralls, comes to visit. Ashley has no idea what her sister has been up to since moving to the big city nor what she has become..


The Hollowheads are a strange, futuristic family that live in a Jetsons type world complete with many cool gadgets. Henry is hoping for a promotion at the slime factory in which he works and decides to bring his boss home for dinner and to meet the family. The horny, pervert, rude boss does not know what he is up against when he begins with his advances towards Mrs. Hollowhead and his abundance of rudeness.
