Lisa Tirone King

Stuck at home during a global pandemic, boyfriends Liam and Devin have exhausted all forms of entertainment. Then Devin brings out a Ouija Board...

After his NYC girlfriend dumps him, Jake Burns is living back with his mom in the suburbs, heartbroken and depressed. He desperately tries to meet someone new, but can't seem to figure out the ever-evolving dating app game. One day a pop-up ad appears for a promising new dating app, and Jake soon finds himself in a comprehensive dating system run by artificial intelligence. The founders, power couple Regina and Plato, show Jake a world where he transforms into different characters to best suit his matches' desires. After multiple successful dates that end in romance, Regina and Plato introduce a more confident Jake to another level of their operation: Santamaria- an exclusive community for dating system recruiters, or 'influencers', who fill their days with sex, drugs, virtual reality, and other sense stimulating pleasures.


Holidays should be a time of joy, love and celebration, but for many it’s a time of loneliness. We made this film for those who feel a sense of sadness during this season and to highlight the importance of being extra kind to your loved ones.


Blanche Montgomery finds herself in the a dangerous mix of paranoia and frustration as stories emerge of a Serial Killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood she is currently living in.


A family tragedy during the recession of 2008, catalyzed by unemployment, personal crisis, and illness.