Lisbet Dahl

Maja is pregnant and suddenly feels that she can’t trust the father of her child. Young Emil is in the process of shaping his identity, and while testing his boundaries, he ends up pushing them too far. At her work, Eva is faced with a certain task that requires her to abandon her moral code. 8-year-old Laura is on a trip with her unstable mother who has a hard time separating reality from fantasy. Adam lives a life full of lies and eventually has to face the consequences.

Men & Chicken is a black comedy about two outcast brothers, who by getting to know their unknown family also discover a horrible truth about themselves and their relatives.


Stand up med Lisbet Dahl og Ulf Pilgård

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Sommer is a Danish TV-drama aired on DR1 in 2008. The series was created by Jesper W. Nielsen and Karina Dam


Cirkusrevyen 2008 med danmarks bedste revyskuespilllere: Ulf Pilgaard, Lisbeth Dahl, Henrik Løkkegaard, Ditte Hansen og Niels Ellegaard. Kvalitet, latter, humor og glæde - eller sagt på en anden måde, i en af de mange flotte femstjernede anmeldelser: Den er sjov og den er grov. Den er festlig og den er fræk. Den er flot ogden har et professionelt flow.

Dagmar the dancing mosquito has the hots for Egon. But Egon, putting love on hold, is busy achieving the ultimate sprint on his bike and wants to see the world. When wicked red ant queen Dominella and her soldiers kill the black ant queen and take over her heap, our heroes are drawn into an exciting forest floor drama that puts their friendship to the test and forces them to use their talents to the utmost.


Jungo is the rarest creature in the world, but also the most popular! Can his best buddies Rita the fox, Zik and Zak the monkeys, and an eager young puppy help him escape the clutches of a mad scientist intent on cloning him, a senseless psychologist who wants to analyze him, and a talk show hostess who wants Jungo to advertise her perfume?


To the mentally ill Kriss, the world is divided the up into 'good and evil', just like in the old B&W melodrama, 'Pure Hearts', which Kriss and his fellow patient, Willy, spend their days repeatedly watching at the psychiatric ward. To Kriss this film is the bible. One day after a serious conflict with one of the hospital's other patients their viewing rights are retracted. Kriss is deeply frustrated by this, until he realises that Linda, the young girl in the film, actually exists in the shape of the film's star, the actress Ulla Vilstrup. Setting fire to the hospital, Kriss and Willy escape into the night, determined to find her, because life is what you make of it.


When a boy child is stolen by bears who raise him as their own, his human parents hunt the bears in despair, and the boy is faced with the dilemma of who and what he is.


While out and about tending to his herd, young shepherd Larus meets a mysterious little girl named Tinke. Quickly realizing that the girl is alone, Larus brings Tinke some food and slowly builds a friendship with her. Tinke, whose parents died within the past year, has managed to survive by her own devices in the wild and has hence become quite feral. Larus convinces Tinke to come to his home so that his parents can take care of her


Prop & Berta is the story of a friendship between a little stout man and a big and proud cow, who are able to talk to each other. Together they confront an ugly and evil witch who is determined to get rid of them because they have moved into a house on the edge of her wood. The witch hates neighbours and through magic and evil planning she turns Prop and Berta's friends, the Teeny burpers, into dangerous hoodlums who begin to terrorize the nearby town. Prop and Berta manage to overcome the witch and turn her into a good person, restoring peace in the little town and breaking the spell which binds their friends.


The young girl Johanne is left by her mother at a solemn convent school. The school is a strange world to her, and when she feels unable to comply with the demands of faith she faces a difficult decision.


Alexander slår sin svoger ihjel da han ved at Alexander og Lucy har en affære. Lucy tilhører ellers Weismüller. Weismüller og Attila-familierne ligger i krig med hinanden. En dag mødes de to unge aber Hektor og Elvira. De bliver betaget af hinanden samtidig med at de frygter hinanden. Alexander gør hvad han kan for at der ikke skal blive fred mellem de to familier. Kærligheden mellem Hektor og Elvira vinder dog til sidst.


Family drama set in the Danish countryside in the turn of the century. A wealthy landowner is an evil and corrupt womaniser with several illegitimate offspring in addition to his beautiful family. Nobody stands up to him except his feisty 17-year-old daughter.


A confrontational and friendly judge gets in trouble when his wife is trying to arouse his jealousy of her long-term relationship with their mutual friend Chief Klausen. Superintendent and is still convinced that he strives against his life. At the same time the judge's chess friend Lise not stand that he was not hitting on her. All intricacies rubs judge with a serious time hay fever


Fagin is the bad bird of an otherwise idyllic forest. He assaults the nest of two wrens and destroys all their eggs except one that, when hatched, is adopted by an owl (patterned on W. C. Fields). A counter-offensive against Fagin is launched with help enlisted from a seagull named Armstrong, two nice mice and a sparrow. There is romance, too, and a jazzy score goes with this animated ornithology extravaganza.


For Janus his friend Tore is his big ideal: pretty, intelligent and self-confident. Janus is grateful for his friendship even though he is considered the court jester. When Tore falls in love with the beautiful and sweet girl Helle, Janus accepts his role as their highly loved third party. Helle's fashionable mother, however, is a bit too interested in Tore. Written by Allan Simonsen


Walter's a handsome airline steward who catches the eye of Inge, winner of Malaga's Miss Moonlight contest. Carlo is a motor-mouthed goof who has a "heel bar" (a combination shoe shop and tavern); his companion, Elly, is shooting a video of him. Inge discovers she's an unwitting smuggler, bringing diamonds into Denmark in the heel of a sandal she's won at the beauty contest.


Two Danish youngsters see action in the USSR as volunteers in a special legion under German command in 1944-45. Returned to a camp in their native country, they go AWOL, having first killed a couple of officers. They are now being chased through a wintry Denmark by the German Army, Danish Quislings and the Danish freedom fighters. Love crosses their path when they take a Jewish girl as hostage.


An uptight young man and his equally uptight family moves next door to a hedonistic clan, including the beautiful, sexy Topsy, who charms the new neighbor boy Tom. But Tom discovers that the price of loving Topsy may be higher than he's willing to pay -- she insists on absolute honesty and a life and love without possession or exclusivity.


Three Angels and Five Lions is a 1982 comedy-family film written by Sven Methling and Bjarne Reuter, directed by Sven Methling.


Based on Bjarne Reuter's 1975 juvenile novel, even broader comedy strokes are employed in the film version, but bright spark Bertram is still at the center of things when a nice but dubious uncle (he has a criminal record) takes all the kids of a working class family, hit with bad luck, away on an outing. A plot is cooked up to kidnap some rich kid. It works at first, but soon things get out of control.


Fængslende feriedage is a 1978 Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Jørgen Ryg. It was also Dirch Passer's final film.


About the traditional celebration at Christmas.


The last part of the trilogy about the Vesterbro Root Per, which differs from "The Flight" (1973) and "Per" (1975) by being more comedy. Per has become socially adapted, he gets married and gets permanent work. In his rise live two originals, Kasper and his blind friend Holger, who are busy revealing housing fraud in the neighborhood.


Spøgelsestoget (English title: The ghost train) is a 1976 Danish family film directed by Bent Christensen. It is based on the 1923 play The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley.


The family Gyldenkål is actually called Iversen, but have changed their name, after numerous problems with the IRS, loan sharks and employers. Using clever scams, the family builds up a reputation as a wealthy and respectable part of society.


Filmen er en humoristisk og bevægende fortælling om mennesker der tænker med hjertet og føler med hjernen. Vi møder TV-journalisten Mille (Lisbeth Lundquist) som er meget optaget af at frigøre sig. Hun lever sammen med John (Baard Owe), som har et gammeldags og romantisk gemyt. Hun omgi'r sig af veninden Suzanne (Annika Hoydal), der er biseksuel, vennen Uffe (Holger Juul Hansen) og massagepigen Lise. Vi stifter også bekendskab med en tåbelig jurist (Ulf Pilgaard), som Mille forelsker sig i. Hovedpersonerne er mennesker, som man kan finde dem rundt omkring i hverdagen.


Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.


Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.
