Lola Braccini

The film presents the tale of Agnese Ascalone, daughter of prominent miner Vincenzo Ascalone, and takes place in a small town in Sicily. Agnese is seduced by her sister Matilde's fiance, and has a tryst with him for which she confesses and tries to repent, only to be discovered by her mother and father. The film is a dark satire of Sicilian social customs and honor laws, and is very similar to Divorce, Italian Style.


Three episodes of varying pitch and quality. In the first a maid plans the elimination of her lover's wife with him, but she doesn't enjoy the fruits of victory. In the second (The patrol) a soldier of the Foreign Legion neglects his duties for running after a prostitute. The third segment has as its protagonist a general of the belle époque that goes on a date.


As Garibaldi's troops begin the unification of Italy in the 1860s, an aristocratic Sicilian family grudgingly adapts to the sweeping social changes undermining their way of life. Proud but pragmatic Prince Don Fabrizio Salina allows his war hero nephew, Tancredi, to marry Angelica, the beautiful daughter of gauche, bourgeois Don Calogero, in order to maintain the family's accustomed level of comfort and political clout.


The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina (Aka: Le bellissme gambe di Sabrina) is a 1959 low-budgeted German crime-drama-comedy film, starring Mamie Van Doren; the movie co-starred, Antonio Cifariello and Rossana Martini. The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina, was Mamie Van Doren's first film away from Hollywood since her career started in 1951. She had signed with Universal Pictures, though she stopped accepting roles from them before her contract was up; she had made both good and bad films, and became known as one of "The Three M's." The other two including, Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield. Out of "The Three M's" Van Doren is the only one remaining. Beautiful Legs of Sabrina, was a flop when released and is largely unknown in today's world.


Tells the story of various Roman prostitutes.


After a factory worker is killed, Sergio Bruni is placed on remand for two years before being released for lack of evidence. Shunned by his wife and his colleagues, he must now discover the true culprit.

Bellissima is a satire of the film industry, and centers on a mother and daughter after the latter attends an audition.


In 1893, on an island in the Strait of Sicily, a woman is beginning to go crazy due to an officer that she loved leaving. When she believes a newly arrived official to be the man that left her, he plays along.

"Black Crossing" - In an Oriental port a group of people embarks a trader designated for Europe. One of them, a shady individual, entrusts the captain with a box of valuables to be kept until the end of the journey.

Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.

Imputato, alzatevi! is a 1939 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Mattoli and starring Erminio Macario.


A woman leaves her husband and her young daughter after she falls for a rally driver.