Loli Astoreka

Andrea is a young woman with a special function. When somebody feels some paranormal phenomenon at home, she is the only one who can clear it up. But on each visit Andrea always insists: There are no ghosts. Those are the echos of someone who was among us once.

Nerea is 37, is married and has a daughter. Professionally Nerea is a journalist and has to spend most of the day in the newspaper, subtracting much time to her family. The difficulty in balancing work and personal life greatly overwhelms the protagonist and the problem does not get worse when her mother, Luisa, Alzheimer patient is admitted to hospital.


Fidel, an Asturian miner, after the closure of the mine where he works, decides to walk to Madrid with his family, to ask the king why the Constitution is not met, specifically the article that points out that all the Spanish citizens have the right to have a decent work. Will the king receive him?


Bedelia is a dirty old woman who kills all her neighbors and his son Jon hides the corpses.


It's 8 AM in a summer morning from the 70's. Jon, an ETA member, is being chased by the police in the Old Town of San Sebastian. While he runs, he revises his whole life.