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A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").


Stuck in the corridors of time, Godefroy de Montmirail and his faithful servant Jacquouille are projected to a time of profound political and social upheavals: the French Revolution... specifically, The Terror, time of great dangers, during which the descendants of Godefroy and Jacquouille had their castle and all their property confiscated by arrogant aristocrats, fleeing and lifes hanging by a thread.


"Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne", a tiny village hurt by the financial crisis and the desertification. Its last hope : Start back the Smoked Salmon factory. The only issue : Insurances require a permanent doctor on site. But it s has been 5 years the previous doctor retired without setting a replacement. The whole village,supporting their surly major Germain, will try everything to convince the very Parisian Doctor Maxime Meyer that happiness is only at Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne! This movie is the french remake of the Canadian movie 'la Grande Seduction'


In order to wipe out the Gaulish village by any means necessary, Caesar plans to absorb the villagers into Roman culture by having an estate built next to the village to start a new Roman colony.


Directed by French Director Christian Faure and released in 2014, The Law brilliantly traces three days, in late Fall 1974, of stormy debate in the French National Assembly, around a bill which would make "voluntary termination of pregnancy" legal. Behind this bill stands a lone woman brilliantly played by a remarkable Emmanuelle Devos (also in The Other Son): Simone Veil the Minister of Health in the Jacques Chirac government during the presidency of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. During these three days of violent debate Veil, a Jew and Holocaust survivor, is spared nothing: political negotiations, solitude, sparring arguments, insults and violence to her family. In spite of all of this, Veil never wavers.


In a cabin of the deep of the forest, a child and his father leas a wild and hard life in utmost isolation. The child grows up fearing and admiring his father, with the ghosts haunting the forest as his only companions. Until the day he discovers the neighbouring village and meets a young girl there, Manon. At her side, he discovers that love exists. From then on he won't cease to search for the place where his father's love for him is hiding.


Paul de Marseul, a prestigious wine-maker and owner of a renowned chateau and vineyard in Saint-Emilion, is disheartened by the notion of his son Martin taking over the family business. Martin does not seem to have inherited the qualities that Paul esteems in a wine-maker: persistence, creative insight and technical prowess matched with passion for the job and the product, and Paul frequently reminds him of this, whether explicitly or in subtle gestures. When Philippe, the son of his manager, appears at the vineyard, Paul leaps at the chance to name him as his successor, neglecting the wishes of his own son...


Santa doesn't want to retire, but rules are rules and he must train someone to replace him. The lucky winner, to be chosen from among millions of children, must be named Nicholas, be an orphan and have a pure heart. On the other side of the planet, there is a little boy who is a perfect match, but his lack of self-confidence and fear of heights make him a poor contestant. Will Santa agree to step down, and help his apprentice take his place?


Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends


A team of several researchers travel to the Swiss Alps to investigate a scientific discovery on human evolution. The trip, however, turns into a deadly fight for survival when the team crash into a gully and find themselves falling prey to someone...or something.


In the tradition of "My Sweet Little Village" and "Waking Ned Devine" FLUKE is a satire about a small village full of colorful characters, whose lives radically change due to a miracle. Or a simple crime.


Agents des services secrets, Muriel et Philippe forment un improbable duo amoureux. Dans leur nouvelle mission, ils sont chargés de mettre la main sur une clé usb cachée par Constance, la veuve d'un trafiquant d'uranium fraîchement assassiné. Cette jeune bourgeoise étrangement ingénue conduira le duo dans un cours de chant lyrique où s'entremêlent d'autres espions aux voix ensorcelantes.


A family’s secret, it’s a time bomb ! Despite their fundamentally opposite characters, Albert and Gédéon, former participants of the May 1968 protest movement, share the same house since the disappearance of the woman of Albert. When Claire, the Albert’s daughter, come back to home, secrets of their past « Flower Power » reappear …


15-year-old Max is in search of his father, the famous troubadour Johnny Bigoude, who disappeared shortly after Max's birth. He reaches Saint-Hilare where Madam Doudou, the old teacher, takes care of him and finds him a job as elevator musician in the fly swatter factory Bzzz & Co. But the factory doesn't run well and half of the village gets fired. To boost the swatter sales, a dangerous scientist creates a mass production of flies. Soon, a thick cloud of insects attacks the village... With courage and determination, Max and his new friend Félicie will do their best to neutralize the insane projects of Bzzz&Co. Will they manage to convince the villagers to help them in this adventure? All together will they stop the scientist's crazy handlings? And will Max find his father?


Asterix and Obelix have been given a tough mission: Transform the chief's lazy nephew Justforkix into a warrior. When the Vikings abduct him and bring him back to their homeland, Asterix and Obelix must travel to Norway to rescue Justforkix.


In 1924, Simone de Beauvoir, a girl with polished appearance, prepares for her final examination in philosophy and meets Jean-Paul Sartre. He seems to know her true personality and considers her the only woman worthy of his intellect. Their chaotic love serves as the premise for her magnum opus The Second Sex.


In 1950s France, a young boy is taken in by a couple after spending a few months in the care of social service.


Une bande de jeunes voyous inoffensifs vivote de petits coups. Après un braquage loupé, ils se trouvent dans l'impossibilité de régler leurs dettes au caïd du coin, qui, pour le rembourser, leur propose le cambriolage d'une fondation d'art moderne. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et tout s'enchaîne... mal.


A 25 ans, Christophe et J-P galèrent joyeusement et sans amertume dans leur cité. Le travail dans un supermarché pour l'un et les petits boulots pour l'autre laissent leurs esprits libres de rêver aux filles : Malika, la soeur de J-P, et Maya, la cousine de Christophe. Amoureux sans scrupules et maladroits à loisirs, il leur faut déployer des trésors d'imagination pour attirer l'attention des deux filles qui ne songent qu'aux études, symbole de liberté et de fêtes. Pas complexés le moins du monde, et pas décidés non plus à paraître ce qu'ils ne sont pas, J-P et Christophe naviguent entre un braquage foireux dont ils sont les témoins incrédules, une représentation de théâtre dont ils sont les spectateurs interdits et un séjour à la campagne dont ils sont les otages perplexes. Et les filles dans tout ça ? Ils verront dès que les événements leur en laisseront le temps.


Une héritière qui n'arrive pas à hériter, un radin qui ne peut rien dépenser, un petit garçon qui trouve un billet dans la rue, un restaurateur prodigue qui ne fait que donner... Tels sont, entre autres, les personnages de ce film "choral". Pourquoi certains dépensent-ils de manière convulsive là où d'autres retiennent l'argent comme la partie la plus vitale de leur être ? On croit parler d'argent, mais c'est d'amour dont il s'agit.


One summer in the land of rabbits, Loulou the wolf suddenly finds himself all alone. Wondering how he will survive in this new world he makes friends and discovers a new life.

Two ex-convicts, MG and Gilbert find refuge in a charming middle-class house whose couple is about to celebrate its 20-year old marriage. Our duo has no other solution than to take this entire brood in hostage. But, contrary to all expectations, they are warmly greeted by the occupants who don't think twice before helping them, they are even ready to put their guests off, even to kill them if necessary...


Dans une petite ville du Nord, François, le garagiste, va consulter Vincent, le psy. À la question posée : "Ma femme me dit qu'elle ne peut prendre du plaisir qu'avec les assassins. Pas de crime. Pas d'orgasme. Que dois-je faire, Docteur ?. La réponse du praticien est simple : "Entrez dans son fantasme. Inventez-vous un crime !"


Voilà dix ans que les chemins de René et de François se sont séparés. De l'époque glorieuse où, flics, ils écumaient le quartier Montmartre, il ne leur reste qu'une poignée de souvenirs, l'argent de leurs ripouseries s'étant évaporé avec le temps. Tout à une fin. Jusqu'à ce que ça recommence. René, à la limite de la clochardisation, survit avec pour domicile un bateau déglingué...


Sami, Tacchini, Yaya and Kader are four small-time crooks from the suburbs of Paris. After a failed robbery, their boss, Carlito, sends them to Canada to spy on his fiancée. There, they are mistaken for a band of professional killers and are hired to assassinate the heiress Léonore de Segonzac...


A Fleury-Mérogis, un match de foot a lieu dans la cour de prison. Tibor Kovacs, un jeune Hongrois, fait des prodiges avec le ballon. Véritable virtuose du football, il rêve de jouer en équipe de France. Pour Manu, son compagnon de cellule, Tibor est un cadeau du ciel. A la veille de leur sortie de prison, les deux compères décident d'unir leurs destins : Tibor deviendra le plus grand joueur du mon


Jean-Pierre (Jacques Villeret), un attaché humanitaire qui travaille au ministère des Affaires Etrangères, accepte de reconduire un jeune clandestin (Lorant Deutsch) dans son pays d'origine. Celui-ci appartient à la tribu des Hommes Gris d'Irghiz, réfugiés depuis la préhistoire dans une cité interdite du Haut Atlas.


Famous TV news anchorman Pierre Nivel left Algiers for France in 1962. That's been a secret; his Paris co-workers have never known that he was formerly an Algerian pied noir. An Algerian delivers an urgent message to Pierre from a Leïla Jalal... Algiers, 1962. The Nivels live in the same apartment building as the Moslem Jalal family. Lycée student Pierre is in love with their daughter, Leïla. The civil unrest in Algeria is heating up and violence is spreading in Algiers. At school, Pierre is friends with a Moslem student, Issam, but he is made fun of for that... Pierre's jet arrives in Algiers. As a celebrity, Pierre is met on arrival by a government official, Nader Mansour. Because of the civil war raging between the government and Islamic terrorists, they drive into the city in a heavily armed convoy. Pierre does not tell Mansour his real reason for returning: Leïla has asked him to help her daughter Amina escape to safety in France.


This is the story of Stan, a young man who might be considered an ordinary, run of the mill guy. But his love and passion for the theatre propels him to realize the most extraordinary desires. He is very attached to his grandfather, who owns a butcher's shop and who offers that Stan take over the family business. But Stan refuses. He decides to drop out of school and move out of his family's apartment, despite the opposition of his parents. His uncle is the only one to support him in the impossible dream of becoming an actor.


In the working-class Paris suburb of Montreuil, Jimmy's restaurant, the Bombay Bar, is on the verge of being closed down by creditors. Jimmy is despondent -- the fact that his wife is about to have a baby isn't helping matters -- when he and his business partner Fifi find unlikely inspiration in the form of "Riches et Sympas," a TV show dedicated to the lives of the rich and famous. Figuring that getting the "right" people to frequent their business will ensure its reputation, Jimmy and Fifi persuade Jimmy's friend, the laid-back, unemployed Mike, to pose as a nobleman and lure his moneyed associates to the Bombay Bar. Mike agrees, and after crashing a posh charity ball, he finds himself being taken in by the likes of society fixture Arthus de Poulignac and Evrard, the latter of whom ensconces Mike in his private mansion. Unfortunately, Mike soon becomes a little too fond of his newly-acquired lifestyle, leaving Jimmy to wonder what to do with the monster he unwittingly created.


No overview found.


Four guys from a Paris housing project fabricate a documentary about drug dealers working in the City of Lights. When a television network falls hook, line, and sinker for the prank video, the foursome are given a free three-week vacation in the upscale resort community of Biarritz. As they interact with both locals and fellow tourists, they learn about love, friendship, racism, and the differences between the rich and the poor.


In the 18th century in Savoy, the friendship of two poor children who are part of a team of chimney sweeps.


Les Intrépides, is a France-Quebec TV series for children, released between 1993 and 1996, that ran for 52 episodes. The series is about adventures of two kids; Julie Boileau and Tom Miller, whose parents got married and that made them step-siblings. Tom and Julie run their own radio station for kids and help its listeners to resolve their - often criminal - adventures and problems.


A paranormal investigator, a psychiatric researcher and an engineer join forces to explore an abandoned subterranean Soviet research facility, hidden within the dark twisting catacombs beneath Buda Castle. When supernatural forces confound and torment the group they begin to question their own sanity. To escape they must quash their fears and lead their team to find and destroy the dark heart of the maze.