Lotus Wang

Middle-aged A-San, who has been single for many years, finally feels his heart beating again. But he is hesitant in taking action and asking out Yu-lian. His best friend is someone who has always been on his side and has never abandoned him, but can’t take his celibacy anymore. This friend is his penis. His soft, flaccid penis turns into a human. He swears to God that he will turn his loser life around and get laid. So A-San and his penis duke it out for control of sense and sensibility.

A group of former high school pals who see their friendship put to test amid their struggles with love, marriage and careers.


In 1987, as martial law ends in Taiwan, Jia-han and Birdy fall in love amid family pressure, homophobia and social stigma.


Sheng Enterprise has originated from a famous Mahjong family, and the story of Big Three Dragons begins with the game of Mahjong.


Now retired from the criminal underworld, Loman runs a bed and breakfast with his loud, boisterous family. The plot is built around various domestic situations - a relationship crisis between Loman's daughter Jin and her partner Xiao Ho, as well as unresolved issues between David's wife and her younger sister Hottie. Hong Kong's big boss Brother Tien soon arrives to meddle in everyone's affairs.


Chen Mo came from a wealthy family, however due to his nasty gambling habit, he squanders his family`s fortune and is left with nothing except for a painting from a painter named Chu Zhong Tian, which his father left him. Unfortunately, the painting, which costs $100,000, is not enough to pay off his debt. Chen Mo then comes across a news regarding a painter who has just passed away, causing the price of his paintings to increase. With an evil plan in mind, Chen Mo goes all the way to Singapore in search of Chu Zhong Tian in order to kill him. This way, the painting that his father left him will increase in monetary value and Chen Mo will be able to clear his debt.


Tired of her family constantly nagging her to get married, spoiled heiress Yeh Fenfen (Shu Qi) books a stay at a beautiful villa on the Penghu Islands, which are the subject of a classic song on a tape left for her by her mother. When she arrives at her destination, she's dismayed to find that the gorgeous villa is actually a rundown B&B owned by Wu (Richie Jen). It turns out that Wu's friends, hoping to drum up some business for the B&B, falsified a few details about the state of the property on the internet. Angered by the deception, Fenfen packs her bags and leaves the next day. But, when she loses all of her luggage on the boat ride, Fenfen has no choice but to head back to the island.


Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it once again. Ko-Teng has several close friends who had a crush on Shen Chia-Yi. Those friends of Ko's thus moved in unison from Ching Chengs junior high school straight into the senior high school division in pursuit of her. Naughty in nature, Ko was ordered by their homeroom teacher to sit in front of honor student Shen for her to keep close tabs on him. The two hadn't hit it off at first but Ko gradually fell for Shen, who was always pressuring him to study hard. On the other hand, Shen became impressed by the contrasting values Ko represented. Ko started pursuing Shen but Shen remained hesitant.
