Lou Potter

An intimate look at the life and career of Gordon Parks a true Renaissance man who has excelled as a photographer, novelist, journalist, poet, musician and filmmaker.


The history of black newspapers in America.


A famed athlete, linguist, scholar, lawyer, actor, singer and activist, Paul Robeson left behind an irreplaceable legacy in American life. Friends, artists and writers recount the efforts of this tireless champion of African-American rights, whose actions ironically made him a target of McCarthyism. This eye-opening profile of the American icon is designed for students in middle school, high school and college.

John Henrik Clarke talks about Black history.


A chronicle of the rescue of oppressed intellectuals and artists from Europe before the outbreak of World War II. It studies the cultural and intellectual impact of this emigre population on American life.


This director's cut of the William Greaves' documentary short film dramatizes the life and deeds of the noted abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

This is based on a true story. Solomon Northrop is a black man in the mid 19th century before slavery was abolished. He's a born freeman who works as a carpenter and is also a part time musician. One day he is approached by some men who want him to play for them. However, that is not their intention; they have kidnapped him and sold him into slavery. Now he has to endure the hardships that he has been spared because of his status as a freeman. And his family who don't know what happened to him is searching for him but where do they go? And Solomon also wishes to let them know where he is so that they could get him but unfortunately no one believes his story or is willing to help him.


Frederick Douglass, Fighter for Freedom is a 19-minute documentary on the life and times of Frederick Douglass. Historic photos and documdrama segments cover the live of this great orator, emancipator and statesman. The story is told by a young narrator.

An intimate portrait of two inner-city barbershops that provide patrons with more than haircuts.

A news magazine series which features stories related to the African-American experience, examining some of the contemporary issues facing the black community and profiling its public figures.
