Louis Peres

Year 2041, France, two trained astronaut twins go through a lot when one of them is contaminated with a mysterious residue from space.

Paris, 1993. Selma, 17, lives in a bourgeois and secular Berber family. When she meets and is strongly attracted to Julien, a dashing young man, she realizes for the first time the heavy rules of her patriarchal family and how they affect her intimacy. As Islamism takes over her country of origin and her family crumbles, Selma discovers the power of her own desire. She must resist and fight. Through the strength of her people, she starts walking down the path of what it means to become a free woman.

Welcome to the Primevères child psychiatry clinic. Marvin, 17, more used to police custody than medical examinations, was interned following a court decision. He does not understand at all what he is doing there and makes him feel good to the other residents and the healthcare team ...
