Louis Stevens

Army officer whose parents are white and Indian tries to avert an Indian war.


A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.


A woman falls in love with a race-car driver who two-times her for another girl.


The son of an ailing nobleman returns to France to clear his name and prove where the true guilt lies.

A Confederate officer travels to a wild Mexican border town to buy guns, aiming to keep up the fight against the Yankees - but who can he trust in this lawless place?


Audie Murphy comes into his own as a Western star in this story. Wrongly accused by crooked railroad officials of aiding a train heist by his old friends the Daltons, he joins their gang and becomes an active participant in other robberies. Betrayed by a fellow gang member, Murphy becomes a fugitive in the end. Seeking refuge at the ranch of a reformed gang member, he hopes to flee with the man's daughter to South America, but he's captured in the end and led off to jail. The girl promises to wait.


Brothers Dan and Neil Hammond return to Texas after the Civil War. Ambitious Dan turns to rustling and then shady land deals to build an empire. Being held for a murder, he is rescued from a lynch mob by Neil, who is now the Marshal, but there is eventually a falling out between the brothers, good triumphing over evil.


After their service in the Civil War, four brothers go their separate ways, but later find themselves on opposite sides of a final showdown.


Two Cavalry Officers clash over the Colonel's Daughter at a remote outpost with Indian troubles.


Texas, 1878: cheerful outlaw-buddies Jim, Lorn and Wahoo rescue spunky orphan Rannie Carter from rustling racketeers, then are forced to separate. Lorn goes on to bigger and better robberies, while Jim and Wahoo are (at first reluctantly) maneuvered into joining the Texas Rangers. For friendship's sake, the three try to keep out of direct conflict, but a showdown begins to look inevitable. And Rannie, now grown into lovely young womanhood, must choose between Lorn and Jim


Trouble in Colorado is tying up Union troops needed back east during the Civil War and Lieut. Burke is sent to investigate. Macklin and his gang are causing the problems and Capt. Mason joins them. When Burke catches up with them he also finds Mason, his brother.


Wanted by the law in New York, Dr. Steve Kells heads west and arrives in an area controlled by an outlaw gang known as the Border Legion. When the gang's boss is wounded, they kidnap Kells and force him to remove the bullet. Not allowed to leave and being a wanted man, he joins the gang. Now wanted as a gang member also, he nevertheless plans a raid that will lead the entire gang into a trap.


The survivors from a plane crash are washed up on an island where the only inhabitants are Mr. Taylor and his servant, Ping. The mismatched group must learn to get along and work together if they are to convince Taylor to let them borrow his boat and return to the main land.


The story of seven people: their lives and love affairs in Madrid during the Civil War.


Barry Brandon, a criminal lawyer, visits the night club of Denny Larkin, his primary client, with Betty Walker, a spoiled society girl. The police raid the club and Brandon pleads that the whole group is guilty, just to get even with Larkin for a rebuke. On the same night in court, Madge Carter is on trial for disorderly conduct, and Brandon volunteers to defend her, and proves the case against her if a frame-up. Finding that she is penniless, Brandon hires her as his secretary, and falls in love with her. Brandon is appointed district attorney and has ambitions of becoming the state governor. Having dinner at Betty's home, she maneuvers him, while he is drunk, into marrying her. Later, Madge is a witness when Larkin shoots down a fellow gangster. By threatening Brandon's life, he forces her to commit perjury at his trial, and say he fired in self-defense. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney (who has had his marriage to Betty annulled) knows she is lying but doesn't know why.


Two down-on-their-luck former outlaws volunteer to be Texas Rangers and find themselves assigned to bring in an old friend, now a notorious outlaw.


A lawyer changes from defending public enemies to bringing them to justice after his brother is killed.


An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.


A trio of veteran pilots joins an aerial circus.


Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.


A gambler falls for a fake countess.


A powerful and ruthless vampire named Count Dracula arrives in London to prey on young, socialite women. Standing in the vampire's way, is a group of concerned men and the enigmatic Dr. Abraham Van Helsing.


An uptight society aunt sends her too sexy niece to college so she can land a man.

A ship's captain, believing that his wife has cheated on him, takes their young son and leaves her. he comes back 20 years later. His wife stows away on his ship when he leaves, hoping to see her son, who is aboard. She takes along with her Mary, the daughter of a woman the captain once loved. Complications ensue.

Elam "Burning Daylight" Harnish is a prospector who makes a million dollars in the Dawson, Alaska gold rush and loses the million dollars in Dawson. He journeys to San Francisco, makes three million dollars and loses it in San Francisco. He returns to Alaska and eventually finds his treasure.


A baseball-styled sports filmed centered on Babe Ruth and Anna Q. It is considered a lost film.


Simeon Van Horne is poisoned by Stewart, his lawyer, who hopes to get a part of the estate to be divided between young Peter Van Horne and Dolores, Peter's cousin. Knowing that Dolores is dead, Stewart, who catches Mary Ryan burglarizing the Van Horne home, induces her to pose as Dolores.

In Paris an actress divorces a jealous impresario and weds the officer who once saved from from suicide.

In India a major tries to cash in on a dry oil well but shoots himself when the oil returns.

The Ne'er-Do-Well (1923)

In the 1850s, a young prince in India promises his dying father he will lead a revolt against the English colonial masters of India. However, since he is half-European himself, he can't bring himself to do it and flees to America, to live in obscurity. He finds, however, that he can't outrun his obligations