Louise Mieritz

Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.


Five years after his daughter disappeared, a mistake in the National Police's DNA register makes it possible for the officer Rolf to finally find out what happened to her.


Ditte and Louise are two middle-aged actresses who realize that the only thing the industry has left to offer them are roles like mothers or as elderly prostitutes. That is why Ditte makes a radical decision: She dresses up like a man.


When Germany and Prussia declare war on Denmark, two brothers are called to serve in the bloodiest battle in Denmark's history.


Max has finished school and is becoming an adult. He is on his way to find a life outside his mother's overprotective wings. When he meets Kaya, she gives him the final push to become independent and finally to move out. He moves over to his father but ends up as a lodger at the neighbour Steen Kold. Max would like to go to the Roskilde Festival with Kaya and gets help with the tickets from Steen Kold who is also coming along. Mom is afraid of what will happen to Max, so she decides to follow him and Steen Kold. This leads to many poignant and incredibly embarrassing episodes deeply rooted in her great love for her son, but also in her desire to still be in the centre of his attention.


An amusing coming of age tale from Lotte Svendsen's Max-universe. Now 14, Max is about to decide on an internship and is finding it difficult to choose. He settles, against his mother's wishes, for a bank internship. But mother Agnethe, still quite embarrassing, takes action and enrols Max in a free spirited camp for the sake of his soul's salvation. Meanwhile his lovelife is hanging by a thread; Esther seems less and less interested in him even though he is making an effort to win her over. The Max universe is based on a perpetual idea that children are afraid to appear embarrassed as they evolve into maturity. Likewise, it seems that their parents also become embarrassed when they make attempts to protect their children or express their love for them.


Max is hitting puberty, and foxy Ofelia from class has touched his heart. He now plans to spend Christmas break with her or, at the very least, New Year's Eve. Watching her little boy grow up, his mother Agnete doesn't know what leg to stand on. Trying to give Max the best Christmas possible, she makes a mess of things, as usual. With his friends, Hassan and Ester, Max eventually tamps down the chaos and throws a super New Year's Eve bash. Everyone is there, and Ester seizes the moment to hook up with Max ahead of Ofelia.


A satirical drama revealing the consequences of the Danish government's "New Copenhagen Criteria", a new policy aiming at securing the nation's survival. Citizens who fail to meet the criteria - those who have received more from society than what they have contributed - are eliminated.


An IT company hires an actor to serve as the company's president in order to help the business get sold to a cranky Icelander.


Anne has started a wedding planning biz with happily flaming designer Lars and grumpy accountant Jesper. Hoping to make a big public splash, they land upcoming event that will marry TV chat hosts Anders and Signe. Instant attraction between Anne and Anders is complicated even further by her planned nuptials with boring b.f. Simon.


On the surface Henrik and Nina Christofferson are an ordinary family living happily. But they have a problem. Their daughter, Stine, a difficult 14 year old, has a habit of telling lies in class. When Stine accuses her father of sexual abuse, and is believed by seemingly eager social workers, their family is thrust into crisis. Could Henrik have done it? And when Stine prepares to return home, the ugly side of family life is exposed.


A snapshot of the state of the Danish nation: in one of the stories, a woman enters a pole-sitting contest in a desperate bid to reinvent herself. Another is about Erik, whose wife has been lobbying a Better Homes and Gardens type magazine to do a spread on their perfect home. When the editors finally relent, she makes Erik sip his red wine in the laundry room lest he stain their cream-colored couches. Svend, the last remaining Marxist in Copenhagen, is the impassioned organizer of a political mass meeting where no one shows up. Finally, Jens, a pizza and porno connoisseur, connives his way to some booty by convincing Gry the model that he lives with his mentally challenged brother. Over the course of a week, their paths cross and nothing, and nobody, is ever quite the same again.


Christine - a picture restorer - is terminally ill. While lying in her sick bed she delves into memories of her life and imagines the reunion with her late husband in the afterworld.


Comedy stage show portraying the legendary Danish multi-millionaire Simon Spies who lived quite an unusual life in the 70's and 80's, filled with sex, ladies, booze, drugs, business, and airplanes. A man who constantly played around with the medias.


Katrine is to be married. Her fiancé is gorgeous, their appartment is luxurious and her future in-laws are wealthy. Katrine only has one problem: she sometimes finds it difficult to tell the truth, and this sends her on a round-about jaunt with an old friend, Thomsen, who has just barged in unannounced from Kenya and who wants to return a favour and help Katrine with her wedding preparations. A labyrinthal excursion takes place. Tomorrow is another day, the wedding day!


Four people plan to rob a bank on new years eve, where no one will notice because of the celebration.


With his first Dogma-95 film director Lars von Trier opens up a completely new film platform. With a mix of home-video and documentary styles the film tells the story of a group of young people who have decided to get to know their “inner-idiots” and thus not only facing and breaking their outer appearance but also their inner.


Café Hector is the new in-place for the chic, high-flying, articulate jet-set, where steaming cups of cappuccino accompany their trendy chit-chat. Uffe is definitely not "in." He can't get a cappuccino, but he is given permission, just this once, to use the toilet. But Uffe is prepared for the situation. He can't take any more humiliation and he is armed!
