Louise Richer

Léandre is a Montreal computer scientist in charge of the protection of the Minister of Public Safety. After selling secret information to the Mafia, he realizes he’s been directly implicated in an attack on the politician. If things weren't bad enough, Léandre ends up in the hospital because of awfully painful kidney stones. He then decides to leave his problems and his girlfriend behind to find refuge with his aunt in his small hometown of Havre-St-Pierre. Hiding from everyone that he’s wanted by the police, Léandre renews his relationships with his childhood friends and his childhood sweetheart, Ève.


Catherine was a Quebec sitcom that aired on Radio-Canada from 1999 to 2003. It tells the story of Catherine, a sexy, epicurean, man-crazy Montrealer in her thirties working at the advertising agency Mirage-Image, as well as the story of her best friend and orderly flatmate Sophie, her landlord Rachel, her ex-boyfriend Pierre and other friends and co-workers.


In this outrageous comedy (where the lead characters are played by the same actor), four men from very different backgrounds set out to go "babe-hunting" on a Saturday night. Follow a very shy nerd, a... read more broken- hearted junkie, a snob yuppy, and a middle-aged married man through their amazing ordeal!


The adventures of Elvira, a 12-year-old girl obsessed with the sea who develops the ability to breathe underwater. Elvira and her dolphin friend Elvar meet a friendly whale, among other creatures, while back on land all is not as it should be.


Jean-Pierre, a young photograph, takes a photo of the same street corner every morning for an entire year. This is to help a friend with the writing of a novel. But Jean-Pierre is not really respecting the rules of the game...


A young girl who is being abused at home runs away to the seamy side of Montreal where she makes friends with a prostitute who helps her to survive the urban jungle.


With an unlikely hero who apparently excels at almost anything, this confused saga of survival in the wilderness and accidental murder starts out hard to believe and stays that way. C.H. (Luc Matte) used to be a star player for the Montreal Canadiens and has turned in his puck and hockey stick for the pursuit of women -- as well as a good game of chess (he is a master at that too). He supports himself by waiting tables and one day takes some time off to go on vacation in the Quebec wilderness, where some local thugs give him a hard time. From that point onward, things get worse after one of the hooligans is accidentally killed.
