Luc Moullet

The annual general assembly of the co-owners : quarrels about nothing, the collapse of the management agency, that turns becomes absurd.


Luc Moullet’s surprisingly tender look at Catherine Breillat, whose powerful explorations of female sexuality continue to divide audiences while they also gain admirers. Extraordinarily articulate, Breillat offers her own thoughts on the reactions to her films.

Carrying on Luc Moullets unfinished screenplay about the theft of la pénélope, a camera created by Aaton and capable of recording equally well in 35 mm and digitally, LA ROUGE ET LA NOIRE is a film in kaleidoscope form. The portrait of Aatons founder, Jean-Pierre Beauviala creator, inter alia, of the time-code and the light cameras used by the New Wave (in particular the bush camera specially designed for Jean Rouch) is centered around the basic plot introduced by two women thieves who talk as voice-overs, and whose identities will only be revealed at the end.


Less and Less, Luc Moullet’s 40th film, concerns development and expansion, from 1968 to 2010, of the devices based on computers, automats, interactive terminals and others that can be found everywhere.


A comic essay about the value of the short film.


Moullet explores the causes and consequences of cases of mental disorders that were especially numerous in the Southern Alps.


Whilst seeking out locations in the South of France for his next film, director Luc Moullet comes across a male corpse. He immediately decides to use this to his advantage. By swapping his passport with that of the dead man, Moullet hopes that the world will believe he is dead, thereby ensuring a renewed interest in his work. Unfortunately, the scheme backfires, since the dead man was someone rather important...


Going to buy milk from the farmer next-door can be a real drama.


A tongue-in-cheek short by Luc Moullet, filmmaker and critic. Moullet was one of Godard's early friends and collaborators at the Cahiers du cinéma.

A man with nothing to do all day decides to take guitar lessons. He falls for his music teacher’s flatmate who flirts with him slightly and even has the same name as the Serge Gainsbourg chanson he’s struggling to learn “Laetitia”. Not so much a passionate love story as a finely woven, laconic film about what it’s like to be just that little bit in love.


15 years through Le Bois de Vincennes - The "before" and "after" 1999 storm destructions.

During the Gulf War, the paths of several groups of characters cross in France’s most desert-like region. The cast is as follows: An astrophysician who works alone with Geraldine in an observatory high in the mountains. He’d like to seduce Geraldine, but she seems to prefer the shepherd who’s been relegated to a shabby hut nearby. A group of filmmakers stuck in the middle of the countryside after their crew went on strike because lunch never turned up. A squadron of stupid soldiers who consider even the most minor incident to be proof of Saddam Hussein’s invasion of France. A maniacal geologist, oblivious of everything, who continues to search for the traces of a tectonic Big Bang in the most inaccessible places.


A film about an ongoing cinematic adventure that began in 1978: a vast anthology of personality portraits called Cinématons, dealing with people in the arts. Historical, ethnological, sociological and psychological, this anthology is a living record of the artistic community of the last 20th century which attempts to answer these questions: Why film everyone? Why choose cultural personalities? How do the subjects look at their image? How much exhibitionism and narcissism is involved in being filmed?


Two young girls find out, in the hard way, that climb mountains isn't all that fun that people often say it is.


A documentary about Luc Moullet and the mountainous locations that feature in his films


Short film of Luc Moullet


Wonderful short by Moullet based on a Henry James short story.


Today, supermarkets are being built where cinemas and churches used to be. Logical evolution as consumerism is the religion of the 20th century, supermarkets are the cathedrals of the future.


Description of a small town


A bicycle race is held every year in a pass of the Alps called Parpaillon. With the energy of a skillful cyclist perhaps as a great tribute to François, the mailman played by Tati in The Big Day, Moullet makes a comedy by pedaling at a pace that allows him to reinvent the possibilities of film gags. La Cabale des oursins is a guided tour to the northern France, transformed into a Geography lesson in the pataphysical style of an Alfred Jarry disciple.


A travelogue of abandoned strip mining sites in France extolling their potential for recreational use.


Paris, 1955. Guy, film critic of the Cahiers du Cinéma, often goes to see the films of Vittorio Cottafavi in a local cinema. One day he notices that Jeanne, film critic of "Positive ", the rival magazine, seems to be following him. He is intrigued.


A man tries different ways to open a Coca Cola bottle.


Sylvain Berg, a "professional" unemployed who spends his time hiking and mountain climbing, and "model" bank employee Benoît Constant, who has just been fired and does not want his wife to find out, both find themselves in Françoise Duru's office at an employment agency. Françoise is secretly in love with Sylvain, so in order to keep him close she convinces her employer to give Sylvain a job he doesn't want, instead of Benoit who not only wants it but also has the right qualifications.


L'empire de medor is a satirical voyage of discovery through the universe of the dog lover. By systematically scrutinising the industry that capitalises on the love for man's best friend, Moullet has made an absurdist film that shows how the love of animals has become a kind of surrogate religion for many people. He takes us to canine beauticians and beauty contests, and explores the field from dried dog food to advanced super-duper pooper-scoopers. By showing in great detail all those gadgets and gimmicks to make the lives of pets as agreeable as possible, Moullet vents his barely concealed criticism of consumer society. (IDFA)


Portrait de groupe is a film series of filmed portraits that shows all kinds of groups gathered under family pretexts, friendly or professional, in a single fixed, wide shot (style: family photo) and silent of 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

The 1984 short Barres celebrates the ingenious ways one can get onto the Paris Metro without paying.


A short personal filmed journal about the director's nervousness in presenting a script and awaiting the decision about whether it can be made.

Film director Luc Moullet turns the camera on himself as he attempts to overcome his fear of large bodies of water and learn to swim.


Bananas, eggs, and tuna: three basic foodstuffs with three wildly different points of origin. Moullet begins with these on his plate but constructs his film by working backwards and finding the sources for these items and how they reach our plates. As Moullet’s investigation deepens, however, the film moves beyond the confines of a simple exploration of food origins into more political and social realms, not only relating to food but also to the medium of film.


A woman's feminist awakening drives an intellectual couple to a relationship crisis.


Bernardette is feeling bored in a country house. She decides to send weekend invitations to a lot of people.


In the French countryside it's the day for peasants to kill a big fat pig. The slaughter goes on for a great part of the day as they work to store 140kg worth of meat.


In a cul-de-sac in the Faubourg-Saint-Antoine, Leon shares two rooms with his sister Marie. In one, he receives his clients: he is a tailor. In the other, Marie receives her own: she is a clairvoyant. Leon was happy until he learned what Marie was hiding from him. She is actually a prostitute, and Maxime, her supposed fiancé, is her pimp. On the same day, Leon also discovers love in the form of Arlette, a provincial young woman picked up by Marie.


The intense and twisted relationship between a man and a woman in a bizarre wilderness, as a seductress accompanies a gunslinger fleeing from a posse.


Two young women leave claustrophobic city life behind and move to a small border town. There they meet a border guard, involved in smuggling to and from the country. Both women fall for him, resulting in jealousy.


Influenced and inspired by Jean-Luc Godard, some young french directors (Jean Eustache, Francis Leroi, Jean-Michel Barjol, Romain Goupil, Luc Moullet) are talking about their problems in producing less expensive and more free films in the french industry of cinema of the 60's.

Episodes in the lives of two country girls at school in Paris and their opinions.


Pseudo-ethnological documents about two villages which, without roads and electricity, "stopped existing"


Luc Moullet's first short film.


Document on the city of Le Havre. Luc Moullet sets out to show Le Havre not as a single city centered on its port, but as a multitude of neighborhoods and annexed communes, making Le Havre a city of rare diversity. Commentary by Luc Moullet, said by himself. First part of an aborted "Le Havre seen by ...".