Luca Sportelli

Leo is a street vendor who, always accompanied by his dog Cagliostro, he entertains shoppers on the beach telling stories more or less agreeable to a group of guys who are really too busy to look for adventures chasing the tourists. Meanwhile Mario, a boy on vacation with his father, falls in love with his beautiful cello teacher but this, of course, prefers the father.


Bruno Marangoni, former center-forward of Rome, has fallen into disgrace due to a series of injuries, and now lives with gimmicks and small scams. At the height of despair he decides to commit suicide but is saved by the parish priest of a village, so he decides to move to the rectory


Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home.


Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of attacks. Both the army decides to definitively destroy it before the opponent does. But to the chaotic mad American platoon is opposed an Italian military band exchanged for a terrible special commando. Probably the bridge will survive another 2000 years!


A doctor in a hotel has a lot of problems like a man repeatedly fails to commit suicide, a pair of window washers witness a murder by a hit man, a suspicious wife checks up on her husband who happens to be having an affair with her and many more...


Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1981


Lorenzo is the mayor of a small town. One evening, returning home, surprised the well-known playboy Ghigo Buccilli who tries to seduce his beautiful wife. Enraged, he threatens the two with a gun, and Buccilli is the victim of a heart attack: the man survives but, forced to total rest, remains at the mayor's house. The result is an endless series of gags and misunderstandings, due to the stratagems devised by Lorenzo to avoid that the situation becomes the subject of gossip by fellow citizens ...


Three episodes. First Valerio is mistaken for a notorious criminal. Very beautiful journalists succeed to bring him to her house for an exclusive interview. She tries to seduce him. Second. Guiseppe, an unlucky and ugly man, gets a job as a maid. His mistress falls in love for him. Third. Plinio is a taxi driver who loves his cab above all. But at one point he is involved with the kidnapping of a woman.


The young homosexual lives with Franco Nicola, a transvestite who calls Nicole. During a dance marathon, Franco knows Anna Maria Immacolata, beautiful girl and very good dancer, with whom he started to practice assiduously. Nicole, jealous of this relationship, simulates suicide...


Alessia returns from the convent where she was educated to the farm where she spent her childhood. As she arrives, she starts to remember the crime that made her an orphan. The animosity she feels towards her aunt starts to get explained. Aunt Agnes was responsible for the crime, so she could get the land. Alessia starts to use her sexuality to manipulate the men around her and set a trap for her aunt as revenge.


A factory worker known for his tough attitude and for fighting for workers' rights starts losing credibility when friends and co-workers see him helping a young gay man.


After graduating in correspondence detective, Riccardo Finzi arrives in Milan. The first case he deals with is the death of a young maid. Cockpit in a surreal yellow from a novel by Luciano Secchi.


Pino Scalise discharged from the prison he was in for robbery, take refuge in Milan at the home of his uncle. Pino falls in love with one of the uncle's two daughters, who has become a prostitute because of Don Ciccio, head of a gang that traffics in drugs. Pino, now an informer to Police Commissioner Morani, makes plans to take the boss down.


An illustrious group of German industrialists plot to overthrow Hitler by negotiating a peace treaty with England. Disgraced, but dedicated Nazi officer Colonel Werner von Uhland is assigned by his superiors to ferret out these deceitful dissidents and stop them before it's too late. von Uhland recruits a bunch of beautiful women to seduce these traitors and undermine their conspiracy


Adventure comedy directed by Bruno Corbucci.


Intransigent magistrate Viola Orlando is targeted by her rivals who hire her twin sister Rosa, a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star, to visit Rome and to set her up to impersonate Viola to demolish Viola's reputation, while Viola is torn between enforcing the law or giving up her seat on the bench to marry her childhood friend.


An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel. An English language lesson turns into a killing of a black dignitary of an embassy by a CIA agent and then into his own killing by another colleague. In a television film, the police are befooled by a fake bomb and put a real one in order not to be derided by the public. In a film inquisition show, the bishop of Naples speaks highly of the importance of the family, but a child who lives a miserable family life kills himself. In the debate that follows it is proposed that they should eat the children, as Swift had said. In the next episode, a general who is in the toilet is called for the NATO parade, but the flasher breaks and in his effort to fix it, he dirts allover and kills himself. In a children's show an inspector finds excuses and delays the arrest of a powerful man...


Softcore melodrama about a young woman who becomes a prostitute with the hopes of raising enough money to start a career as a model for romantic fumetti books


A masseur for ladies wins the reputation of seducer and many customers try to verify. Classic of Italian sexy comedy.


Four episodes. A pilot is ready to change sex, but the doctor made an error. A woman is searching a partner for a dance contest. A worker seduce his boss wife. A guard is too much proactive and this will cause many troubles.


Set in medieval times, it tells of the efforts of the Mayor of a small town who, in order to boost up trade and tourism sets about, with the help of his counselors, to teach the town's women the arts of seduction.


Boccaccio (also known as The Nights of Boccaccio) is a 1972 Italian comedy film written and directed by Bruno Corbucci. It is loosely based on the Giovanni Boccaccio's novel Decameron, and it is part of a series of derivative comedies based on the success of Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Decameron.


As a thirteen year old, Martha Caldwell witnessed the death of her parents in a terrible railway accident. Barely surviving the tragedy herself, Martha was struck dumb due to the shock. Now an adult, the still mute Martha lives with her uncle Ralph in the Spanish countryside. Martha's cousing Jenny arrives to be with the family but is quickly stabbed to death. It appears that a sex maniac is roaming the countryside; killing pretty young girls. The already traumatized Martha seems likely to be the next victim but the case turns out to be far more complicated than it would first seem.


Mayor Peppone might very well lose the elections and Don Camillo makes sure that the mayor's delinquent son gets his act together while his own niece makes Peppone think she is pregnant by his son.


To gain fame quickly - three actors - Mino, Giacinto and Mirella, stage a fake murder (Mirella is the "victim"), then plan to find the "body" at the most opportune moment. Unfortunately, a real murder takes place in Mirella's apartment when a young woman named Margaret is killed. Having left abundant clues to the fake murder, Mino and Giacinto realise the only way to save themselves from jail is to find Margaret's killer. Despite the intrusions of a stupid police inspector, the two men discover she was killed by a mysterious "organization". Although every witness they try to question is killed by a hitman, they eventually unravel the mystery...


A comedy based on fourth novel out of "Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio.


During the early Italian Renaissance and the Black Death epidemic, a group of young men and women, seeking refuge in a secluded villa just outside the city of Florence, shares different stories of adultery and forbidden love.


Released from the orphanage at the age of thirty, a man dreams of finding his mother.


After being released from a mental hospital, Otto returns to his old job as a butcher. He tries to adjust to his new life, but after a bitter argument with his wife, he accidentally kills her. Fearing he will be sent back to the hospital, he grinds up her body and sells it as sausages. As friends and relatives start asking questions about her disappearance, they too start ending up in the butcher's display case.


Giuseppe Di Noi, an Italian surveyor living in Switzerland, gets arrested at the border while going back to Italy with his family for a vacation. But can someone tell the man WHY?


North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.


Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.


To follow the beautiful Frida, Franco and Ciccio leave for Africa, where the adventurer Berrendero enlists them in a band of mercenaries. Franchi and Ingrassia in a daring parody of "Tarzan".


Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.


An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.


A university student, Mario Buongiovanni, tries to do various jobs to pay for his studies: selling encyclopedias, singing in night clubs, being a tour guide. He then became a science teacher in a female college, where he met Lisa, the daughter of a Lombard industrialist, whom he fell in love with. But Lisa's father, unfortunately, already has in mind for her a marriage with a very rich suitor ...


Seven sketches including the title sketch "I See Naked" in which a fashion editor begins to see naked women everywhere he goes.


Carlo is a successful singer, married to Livia; the two also have a son, Maurizio. Carlo decides to accept a tour in the USA but, shortly before departure, together with his agent Puglisi has a sentimental adventure with two women. Livia, having discovered what had happened, leaves home with Maurizio.


Chad Stark is offered his life and a nice ammount of dollars if he is to bring back the runaway son of mexican land-owner Gutierrez . This son, Fidel, teams up with an outlaw band lead by a former military man going by the name The Major. When Stark finds Fidel he is reintroduced to an old acquaintance which makes his job of returning the son a lot more difficult.


When Marino goes to Rome for an event, he certainly does not imagine meeting Marisa, who will become the love of his life. But once love is found, it is a matter of spreading it and here the difficulties begin: first the father who opposes it; then, after the death of his father, the gossips who make Marino believe that Marisa was a little good, so much so that Marisa runs away. Repentant, Marino searches in vain and then, almost by accident, finds her again, Mrs. Ciceri. But love admits no obstacles, not even that of a deaf and dumb husband.


Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.


Franco and Ciccio are two simple-minded Italian guys whom are mistaken by KGB spies by government agents from their government and other foreign governments.
