Luca Ward

A mini documentary about the life of rapper Tedua.

While vacationing on the crowded beaches of Riccione, a group of teenagers becomes fast friends as they grapple with relationship issues and romance.


Two goofy extras enroll to a weird audition for a big 3D production


A story of murder, conspiracy and secrets but above all about a great love story; Tuscan Passion tells the story of an impossible love between Aurora Taviani and Alessandro Monforte. Both belong to enemy families and both are divided by a history of blood and mystery.


Non smettere di sognare is an Italian television series.


The film, based on the novel "The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James, tells of mysterious incidents in a villa located on an island in the middle of a lake. Teresa is sent to the villa to educate Milo and Flora, two orphaned children entrusted to Elia, rude man. But upon her arrival, a bereavement upsets throughout her stay: the suicide of the former educator of the children, Eleonora Petri, whose body is found a few days later on the banks of the lake. From then on, Teresa will have strange dreams every night and assist in mysterious apparitions. The various events will bring Teresa to protect the two children and try to discover the mysteries and secrets surrounding the villa and involving all its guests.


Enrico Russo rapes and slaughters children. A magistrate, a policeman and a psychiatrist try to arrest him, but it’s too difficult to identify a cancer that hides itself behind a normal life. Then, one day, Enrico meets Andrea, a 7 year old child, and falls in love with him. He wants to be Andrea’s good father, the good father he himself never had. But his emotional delirium isn’t able to hold back his animal instinct. By pure ‘chance’, the detectives find the monster in the act of his last execution. On time?


About the misadventures of Desidero, a pretty young Neapolitan transexual, and of his group of transvestite friends. Disappointed in love and politics, they set up an organic farm and psychological help centre for men in crisis.


At the end of 1918 while civil war is raging on in Russia, antagonism is slowly spreading to the East, between the Oral mountains and Shanghai. Stuck between a desire to save what's left of the great Imperial Russia, and starting from a clean slate, old generals, secret organizations, and mercenaries attracted by gold, struggle to take advantage of the events. As Corto Maltese returns to Shanghai, he barely gets time to cross paths with his old friend/nemesis Rasputin, and escape a murder attempt before being contacted by members of a Chinese secret organization called "The Red Lanterns". In the heart of violent Manchurian horizons, Corto and Rasputin launch themselves into a fabulous treasure hunt, following the tracks of the mysterious armor-plated train of Kolchak. A steel monster spiked with canons and machine guns, this trains protects the counter-revolutionaries gold...


It is 90 AD, and the Roman Empire is being run by the Emperor Domitian, who has declared himself to be God and ruler over heaven and earth. The Christians, who do not recognize his divinity, are a thorn in his side and he is having them cruelly persecuted. The small village in Asia Minor to which the aged apostle John has withdrawn is also attacked by Roman soldiers.


The body of one of the Villa owners is found lifeless in the tub. The accusations are immediately turned against the plumber.

Geared to a teen and pre-teen audience, this juvenile romance is set in the last year of high school and involves the attraction between Isabella, a beautiful newcomer to the school, and Massimo, an introverted, hard-working young student .
