Lucas Leiva

A three day period of peace is decimated by the howling wind and the stinging rain of a senile and wizened Fergal Coen who foretells a bad omen that will plague Highfields; a foreboding and brooding force that can make Satan brown his undergarments. The inhabitants of Highfields dismiss Fergal's foretelling. Their ignorance comes at a cost.

November 26, 2005. The day Grêmio defeated his opponent in enemy territory with seven men on the pitch. Warriors covered with the ever-victorious sacred mantle of three colors. No team in the world has the determination, the spirit of claw and the bravery typical of the gaucho as the Immortal Tricolor. Facing diversities is part of the culture and history of this club that fills the Rio Grande do Sul with pride and joy. Only Grêmio would be able to overcome the difficulties of this battle and make history as Brazilian Champion of Series B. An epic that the tricolor nation will never tire of remembering, reviving and celebrating. The living, real story of who was there. Exciting testimonials and exclusive images will make you, gremista, get emotional once more, as if you were in the Estádio dos Aflitos.

Documentário que narra a trajetória do time de futebol gaúcho Grêmio em 2005, considerado um dos anos mais difíceis para o clube. Com depoimentos de torcedores - ilustres e desconhecidos -, jogadores e comissão técnica, a produção também conta com imagens inesquecíveis.