Luciano Marin

Marcus Valerius, a young consul, is assigned the mission to assist Menecrate, the leader of the Pretorian Guard, in the arrest and execution of as many Christians as possible. While raiding the Catacombs he has the surprise to find among the Christians the woman he loves, Giulia, who has been converted secretly to the banned religion. He helps her to escape and trouble soon follows. Stripped of his rank and arrested for defending the rebels he is condemned to fight as a gladiator...


F.B.I. agents David Blair and Thelma Avery are assigned to search for Professor Weiss, who had mysteriously disappeared after discovering an antidote for atomic radiation. Following a feeble lead offered by the mysterious death of two dancers, David and Thelma begin to investigate their supervisor, George. They discover that Professor Weiss is being held prisoner by George and his sister—the professor’s former assistant—who want to sell the precious formula to a foreign country.


The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then he finds a job in a building firm. Only by chance Cavalli finds out that his salary is paid by his wife to keep him busy. But the general is well known as a very reliable man, and Sandrelli, the firm's owner, uses him and his name to win a valuable contract. When Sandrelli is arrested, the general finds the money to honour his debt but he is robbed while he is going to the bank...


Wandering strongman Maxxus comes upon two warring tribes, the Sun worshipers and the Moon worshipers...and fights monsters !


Noble, wise King Sardanapolo and his more soft and naive younger brother Prince Sammash get into a bitter feud over the affections of sweet and alluring innocent peasant girl Mirra. Meanwhile, the treacherous and ruthlessly ambitious General Arbace plots against both siblings.


Historical film, telling the story of Turkish Sultan Suleiman's attempts to conquer Vienna. The advance of his army was checked on Yugoslav territory.


A barbarian army attacks Viking settlements along the Russian steppes.


A Roman nobleman, Horatius leads an imperial legion during the long and bloody war between the Romans and the Albans. A desperate arrangement is agreed on how to settle the war. Three valiant brothers are chosen from each side to fight one last fierce and bloody duel...


When strange atmospheric events occur in the disunited city states of Ancient Greece, a forum debates what action to take. As there is no agreement, Androcles King of Thebes seeks the assistance of his friend, the legendary Hercules. Hercules, now married to Deianira with a son named Hylas does not wish to leave the comfort of his family, though Hylas is keen for adventure.


Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.


In an imaginary northern European country during the High Middle Ages, two leaders of a barbarian village fight to gain power: one is good and right and the other is an evil selfish. Who will have it?


Since the IRS has ordered new taxes, all traders in the village are tormented. Only Torquato Pezzella, a wealthy merchant of rain does not give in to despair general. To escape the contributions it has offered a tax advisor, the very respectable Curto Hector, who is in reality an ignorant on the subject. Still, Pezzella that has so far managed to avoid the taxes through the valuable advice of his new partner. Until one day an inspector of the brigade versatile, the formidable Topponi Fabio decides to check himself the accounting of this individual who is enriched by eye and does not report to the state. The note is difficult to digest; home Pezzella owes more than fifteen million in contributions. However, an unexpected event will upset all the data ...


Ugo meets the 18-year-old Renata in the hostel where she is staying. He falls in love with and leaves with her for several romantic places until the money ends. Ugo will try to get the girl engaged on a local TV station, but Renata falls in love with a manager.


Assola is an imaginary village on the border between Italy and France and the borderline crosses the village itself. The French customs agent Ferdinand is always trying to catch the Italian smuggler Giuseppe. Giuseppe discovers that Ferdinand was actually born in Italy and therefore he can't be a French customs agent.
