Lucien Baroux

The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.


The film consists of seven roughly 15 minute episodes, each showing what will happen if one or more of the Ten Commandments will be broken: Jérome Chambard is warned that he will lose his job if he continues to swear; Françoise Beaufort enamored of a stripper calls on her only to find her married to a janitor who doesn't know what kind of dancing his wife performs; Denis, a Jesuit novice, leaves the order to avenge his sister's suicide, which was provoked by Garigny, who seduced her into prostitution and drug addiction; Philip buys a necklace for Micheline though he is bored with her; a young man find out that his real mother is not Madeleine, but actress Clarisse Ardant; Didier Marin, cashier of a bank, was fired by his boss; the Devil appears as a serpent for Jérome Chambard and the bishop are eating.


Victor Hugo's monumental novel Les Miserables has been filmed so often that sometimes it's hard to tell one version from another. One of the best and most faithful adaptations is this 240-minute French production, starring Jean Gabin as the beleaguered Jean Valjean. Arrested for a petty crime, Valjean spends years 20 in the brutal French penal system. Even upon his release, his trail is dogged by relentless Inspector Javert (Bernard Blier). Valjean's efforts to create a new life for himself despite the omnipresence of Javert is meticulously detailed in this film, which utilizes several episodes from the Hugo original that had hitherto never been dramatized. Originally released as a single film, Les Miserables was usually offered as a two parter outside of France.


A man becomes the lover of his former persecutor's wife.


"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.


The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.


A group of inhabitants from Ferté-sous-Jouarre decide to spend their jackpot on a three day trip to Paris.


The daughter of Signor Carloni is about to take her first communion. A problem arises when the dressmaker spends too much time working on the girl's communion frock.


A prima donna hires a man to pretend to be her lover so as to protect her from an unwelcome suitor. Unbeknownst to her, he is a tenor in disguise.


During the Christmas season, Christine, a singer and her friends find themselves penniless. She falls asleep and dreams that she goes to heaven, followed by her friends...


Martine (Dany Robin) is a lonely girl in an exclusive boarding school who conjures up a glamorous existence in order to make her dull life tolerable and to impress the other girls. One of her flights of fancy is a love affair with Brevannes (Claude Dauphin), a famous composer. She leaves the school and goes to the French Alps to find the life she's only dreamed about, where she meets Brevannes and a December-May romance develops until she meets a young mountain guide, Henri Vidal.

Cabaret star Zazu (Josephine Baker) intervenes when young lovers are sundered by their parents' feud.


Lillian Harvey plays Miquette, whose beauty and vivacity increases the clientele of her mother's tobacco shop. A Barrymoresque actor (Lucien Baroux) believes that Miquette has star potential, but he hasn't sufficient capital to finance her theatrical debut. He manages to get the money by practicing a bit of genteel blackmail on an aging marquis (Andre Lefaur) who has romantic designs on the heroine.

The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.


French comedy film directed by Yves Mirande.


After finding and adopting a child, a man gets a job at an all-girls school which doesn't allow families. Once the girls find the baby, they become his forty little mothers. At the same time, the child's true mother searches for him.


A rich banker is actually a crook. His mistress, an alien, wants to become French and the only way is to marry a Frenchman.


Director Rosé and his opera company travel to Monte Carlo where they expect an engagément to perform at the opera house. During the boat trip Mario, the cheerful tenor, meets a girl hidden in his cabin. He helps her singing for her passage and soon Nicole is adopted by the whole troupe. Then at Monte Carlo the opera director has no intention to sign them. But he has an eye for beautiful women, so Nicole will try to persuade him to reconsider the offer.


Käthe von Nagy plays Ronny, who designs the costumes for the upcoming premiere of an opera written by the young prince of Perusa (Willy Fritsch) and has to deliver them personally due to the urgency of the commission. Arriving there, the prince not only is charmed by the young lady (who wouldn't?), but also mistakenly believes her to be the famous singer who is to be the female lead in the opera. What Willy does not know yet is that the real singer has cancelled her appearance, and as the state ministers hope to distract him from politics with the performance of the opera, they indeed want Ronny to appear in the show….


Céleste Noménoé, a provincial actor, comes to Paris for an inheritance. He also gets a part in a movie. The managers of a music-hall notice him. He takes the stage name of Grock.
